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Destiny 2

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8/7/2024 7:41:57 PM

Bright Dust Shop Refunding

I recently purchased the "Off my Lawn" sparrow from the bright dust store, which I regret doing after finding out that the reintroduced solstice armor is available for bright dust. I think that purchases using bright dust should be treated the same way as purchases with silver. What I mean is that all purchases get sent to your inventory to be either opened or refunded, and in the case of gear (i.e. ghost shells, ships, etc.) they will be shown in the appearance section of the character tab where the player will again be asked if they would like to refund an item or open it. Another solution to this-- especially for less observant players-- would be to put every item that is available for bright dust in the bright dust store. Meaning move all items that can be purchased for bright dust into the bright dust store, as to resolve confusion when it comes to purchasing items. It may also be helpful to add a notification to tell players that certain things are available for bright dust. Finally, what I think is the easiest solution, giving more bright dust for doing certain things, because getting [b]10[/b] bright dust from a bounty is -blam!-. Adding some of these will truly be a life saver the state of free-to-play as it streamlines the usage of bright dust. P.S. This post isn't me trying to get refund on the "Off my Lawn" sparrow, I am simply asking for these to be looked over and considered and possibly added in the future.

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