Bringing back Destiny 1 armor sets (and maybe weapons, too?)
Do you know what? I played a ton of Destiny 1, starting sometime during the release of The Taken King expansion... and I don't miss it. Some of the best parts of its content have been carried-over to the sequel in a seamless way, including game modes, lore, characters, music, and even raids. The only things missing (besides the Wrath of the Machine raid and SRL) are the innumerable armor sets and even some fantastic weapons.
I especially miss the armor sets, such as the various factions sets, the Dawning sets, the Days of Iron sets (with the burning effects), the Taken sets, the Trials of Osiris Egyptian-themed sets, the Iron Banner fur-themed sets, all chroma gear (including the Spektar gear), strike-exclusive gear (e.g., the Flayer light-themed cloaks), the perk-less Exotic class items (designed around their respective Taken King supers), the Vanguard gear (e.g., the Warlock bird-theme), SRL gear, etc.
This doesn't even include ships, sparrows, ghosts, shaders, emblems, etc. that exist in the void of Destiny 2's predecessor.
Now, I love Destiny 2's art style and even the armor sets, but Destiny 1 has its own unique art design that I think would add variety to the pool that exists, even if it takes a while to transfer into Destiny 2. It seems like such a waste to let all of those amazing pieces of gear rot in a game that people don't play that much anymore (I know, because I come back from time-to-time) and isn't actively being supported by Bungie.
And I have barely even brought up weapons, which have matched the armor sets when it comes to their art styles.
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