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Aplikacja Companion

Co wymaga poprawy w aplikacji Companion?
7/4/2024 11:03:47 AM

Request to return one feature to a website.

Good afternoon I apologize in advance for any typos, English is not my native language. [b]Brief description of the request to return website functionality:[/b] Restore the ability to view an untranslated article when the selected language is other than English [b]Detailed description:[/b] Previously, the text of an article was displayed regardless of whether there was a translation for it or not. Now, if you switch the language before the article is translated, a blank page will be displayed. [b]Suggestion:[/b] If the translation for an article is not ready yet, display the text of the original post on the page, and add an information bar above it in the language the user switched to, something like “There is no translation for this post at the moment. It will appear here as soon as it is available.” [b]Result:[/b] Non-English speaking users will need to access the language switching menu less frequently Previously, the site had such a feature (without an information bar about a temporarily missing translation), but after one of the site updates it unfortunately disappeared. It would be great if this came back.

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