I played almost all of D1 for years(2014-2016) then took a break on my xbox account up until a few days ago when I downloaded D2 and all of its expansions and content to play the final shape. When I logged in, I was expecting to see my Guardians still there with the old legacy gear(mostly because I played some D2 on my Fiances account around the time stasis came out and she had all her old gear, but was still stuck at 300 light) but I didnt see any of my D1 guardians. After watching the D2 opening theatrics, and seeing all my completed history, I was taken to the character creation page... I checked the D2 android app, it has my account info from D1, but no guardians exist.
Am I doing something wrong here? I thought there was a full character migration on august 1, 2017??
I logged into my fiances account today and her account still has all of her old gear.
Please help, as this will probably be a deciding factor on if I rejoin the D2 community or not.
**I downloaded D1 and my guardians are still showing to be there, but not on D2**
Edytowany przez użytkownika Swat The Bot: 6/9/2024 2:21:58 AMSwat The Bot
Over $777 donated to Bungie Foundation - stary
Only character designs migrated from Destiny 1 to Destiny 2. No gear or weaponry migrated from Destiny 1.