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5/2/2024 1:09:28 PM
The Spoken
The Spoken

😴 stary

Has anyone here ever been to Germany?

Or are you from Germany? I am planning a trip to visit Europe, and Germany is the very first place I want to visit. The history, the culture, the land, all of it captures my imagination, and I have so much desire to see it and experience it. If you have any knowledge of good places to go, or where I should focus my visit; I would like to hear it. :) My plan is to save for a round trip, rental car for a week, and hotel stay. That way, I can day trip a few times and experience as much of the country as I can in the time I can afford. Deutsche Benutzer, was Sie zu sagen haben, mochte ich -blam!-; Wo soll ich hingehen? was sollte ich tun? Mein Deutsch ist verkummert :/ aber ich liebe Deutschland. :)

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