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Destiny 2

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4/9/2024 1:46:39 AM

Transmog System needs unlocked in Final Shape

The transmog system in Destiny 2 has been a subject of much criticism among players, and rightfully so. Here's why it's considered horrible and in dire need of change: 1.Tedious Grind: The current transmog system requires players to gather "Synthstrand" by completing bounties, then convert it to "Synthcord," and finally spend "Synthcord" to convert armor pieces into Universal Ornaments. This process is not only convoluted but also extremely time-consuming. Players are forced to engage in repetitive activities just to customize their appearance, which detracts from the enjoyment of the game. 2. Resource Drain: The transmog system introduces an unnecessary resource sink in the form of Synthstrand and Synthcord. This places additional pressure on players to constantly grind for these resources instead of focusing on more enjoyable aspects of the game, such as engaging in challenging content or exploring new activities. 3. Limited Availability: Unlike other games with transmog systems that allow players to freely customize their appearance, Destiny 2's transmog system restricts the availability of Universal Ornaments. Players can only convert certain armor pieces into ornaments during specific seasons, limiting their options and creative freedom. This restriction stifles player expression and customization, which are essential elements of any online multiplayer game. 4. Premium Currency: Bungie offers an alternative to the grind by allowing players to purchase transmog tokens with Silver, the premium currency in Destiny 2. This pay-to-transmog model creates a clear divide between players who are willing to spend real money and those who are not, fostering resentment and dissatisfaction within the community. 5. Lack of Player Agency: The current transmog system does not empower players to fully control their appearance. Instead, it imposes arbitrary limitations and barriers that hinder player agency. Players should be able to freely customize their characters without being shackled by restrictive systems that prioritize monetization over player satisfaction. In conclusion, the transmog system in Destiny 2 is in desperate need of reform and needs to be fixed if the last expansion is too succeed in enjoyment. Bungie must listen to player feedback and overhaul the system to make it more accessible, rewarding, and player-friendly. By doing so, they can enhance the overall experience for their community and ensure that customization remains a fun and enjoyable aspect of the game. Not a money hungry cash grab to just enjoy how you look in playing your guardian.

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