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Destiny 2

Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny 2.
3/9/2024 6:54:06 PM

What a LEGIT 3.5 k/d in Trials ACTUALLY looks like

🔸 What a LEGIT 3.5 k/d Destiny 2 Player looks like: If you are spectating players via twitch, kick, youtube, livestream and their aim DOESNT look like mine in this entire video, that means theyre cheating ;) 🔸 RAW Clips for DiaXide 🔸 All clips completed via: 3v3 (Trials, 10K Competitive playlist, Faceit, Private Matches vs teams). 🔹 Destiny 2 is a registered trademark of Bungie Studios. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Game materials are copyright from Bungie in-game. 🔹 The acts performed within the confines of this video were for video-entertainment purposes only. Special Thanks to the Destiny 2 community and everyone involved in making this video. 🎡 Gameplay: ➖ DiaXide 🎡 Sponsor: ➖ FX Multi-Media | OXD Films | Clan Faith 🎡 Systems: ➖ Movavi | Adobe After Effects | Adobe Illustrator 🎡 Producers: ➖ DiaXide 🎡 Editor: ➖ DiaXide Follow our Socials BELOW: ✨ DiaXide:

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