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12/26/2023 7:53:00 PM

(UA) (Discord) Last City Ultra Academy Recruiting

Welcome to U.A. the most prestigious hero/guardian academy in The Last City. We are here to help new lights and veterans a like! We value chill, open, communication, as well as discord and debates. You might find your next legendary day one dream team here or your friendly neighborhood Sherpa for your first ever clear! Whatever your goals are you can believe someone can help you! Join the discord for better clan updates, LFG options, and general D2 information such as daily & weekly resets. As well as other games we play that have sections in our discord you can pick roles upon joining :) Discord: my personal raid and dungeon report so you know i'm not BS and can teach you and anyone else open to learning but we have Pro Heros in other games as well as D2! UA is more than a D2 clan, Pros spanning many games :) Personal dungeon and raid report so you know I'm not BS about teaching :) RR: DR:

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