Running the Legend lost sector hoping for a Knucklehead Radar, running Recovery Armorer on my Ghost, and I got a WormHusk Crown with 9 Recovery, which should be impossible with the Armorer mod on. My other two exotic drops earlier were also pretty low recov, when the mod says Minimum of 10, with an increased chance for higher recov. I got a Celestial Nighthawk with 10, and another wormhusk with 11. At first I thought I was just unlucky, which is normal, but then the 9 recov wormhusk made me suspicious that it isnt working.
Edytowany przez użytkownika CantSilence: 12/23/2023 9:32:42 PMNot broken. Some exotics roll with intrinsic stats. So they will ignore ghost mods for the other 2 stats in that distribution set.