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Destiny 2

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Edytowany przez użytkownika Seiryoku: 11/1/2023 1:35:22 PM

I'm happy TFS was pushed back

Hope it's better than what we would have gotten. With secrets beyond what we saw in Forsaken. Hope they [b][u]over deliver[/u][/b]. Hope the narrative isn't written by ChatGPT. As far as Neomuna, [b]areas and game modes should have varied difficulty[/b]. [i]How they achieve that difficulty[/i] is what's important. Bullet sponges that one shot you shouldn't be the primary method of making things more difficult. Ships that kill you as you spawn are unacceptable and shouldn't make it to the final version of the game. Increased add density was awesome. The special public events were great, when the game didn't kick you. I enjoyed the larger lost sectors. Areas should be harder, filled with more risk, and provide greater rewards. More time spent at higher difficulty should always be better rewarded. Hope to see maps in Crucible. Old and New. The ones taken from D2. Good ones ignored from 1. New ones. Continually. [u]PvP people pay for DLC too.[/u] They keep the game alive between content droughts. They do the raids to bring the stuff into Crucible you whiny PvErs. They do both and play the entire game. You should try it. The community needs to better decide what we want. Casuals make the bulk of the playerbase, but rarely know what they are talking about or what they want. Many are sheeple to the very streamers they complain about. Yes, it's your money they need to get at, not the .1% players, but those players actually learned and know the game. Whether they are "no-lifers" or not. Many of you depend on them to tell you how to do sh*t....... Some of the mental gymnastics you guys will do to try and validate the game changing once again for .4KDs after you lose a trials match.... Or can't get through a raid you won't lfg for.... Streamers are not all equally equipped to make decisions about creative direction. While their opinions should be considered and weighed, they have awful takes too, as they are also human. We need to collaborate and offer constructive criticism in earnest. Everyone has their personal vision for Destiny, but many do not attempt to see from an unbiased position. Some are so jaded their suggestions and contributions are an effort to sew chaos and destroy what's left of the game. I hope Bungie have a clear vision and provide CONTENT. Not shallow bs and opportunities to buy more event cards and quick leveling for my alternate characters and season pass. Less commendations, and more sh*t to do. It is regrettable people lost their jobs, but I hope the game returns to a better state than what we have been given of late. It starts with them fully supporting Destiny and consumers continuing to vote with their $$$ and demand quality for that investment. But we need to be acting right. These forums are a cesspool at times and everyone only cares about what they want. The game is vast and seeks to please people at the farthest ends of the spectrum. Pve vs pvp. Casual vs no life. Environment vs weapon meta. It's been disappointing lately in all aspects and both extremes. But it is still a remarkable game. I appreciate all that contribute to it. Bungie, the ones that maintain it, the community, the content creators. My allies, the opposition. It is a creative masterpiece on so many levels and that's why the lack of support for it while milking it for every dollar has been incredibly disappointing. Enough making Eververse everything. Make the game worth playing. You have to bolster core activities so people want to continue to play them. Whether you offer them for free or not. Or ditch this hybrid free model. Make Eververse cheaper. It's a digital supply. More players will buy your skins for less than $20. Create meaningful pathways that net thematically appropriate desired gear?

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