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Destiny 2

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Edytowany przez użytkownika Lilly: 10/31/2023 7:21:49 PM

This Has Been The Worst Year For Destiny Ever & I Feel Like There is No Hope For The Future Of This Game At This Point

I think this has been the worst year ever for Destiny and at this point I don't think there is any chance for redemption. I know this year has been a tough for Destiny 2 but I have always tried to stay optimistic. Everyone was worried at Lightfall's Launch but most people still had faith that things would get better. The Story felt half baked at launch and left more questions than answers. But Hey!!! Strand was a major plus! We had to wait two seasons to find out about the Veil and the Witness; Something that should of been in the base Lightfall Expansion. But Hey!! They Delivered! The State of the Game we got in August was horrible too, but at least we got promises that they are "Listening". They gave us a 'free' armor set and promised new crucible maps that will most likely be getting the Gambit treatment now. And after the news of the layoffs of most of our favorite Devs, Community Managers, Artist, and Composers I feel like the soul of Destiny has has been removed as well and has destroyed the community, and trust I had with Bungie as a company is now entirely gone. I only just hope anyone affected can quickly find a new position There allot more I could go on about but I'm gonna end it with this quote from one of the General Managers. [quote]the thing that will kill your game – is Apathy - Justin Truman, Destiny 2 General Manager @ GDC December 2022 [/quote] How couldn't [b]Anyone[/b] be Apathic for a game that consistently won't respect its players, the people who help build the community, the people who work behind the scenes in QA & Support, and the artist, composers, & developers who bring the world we love to life..... Thanks for reading my crappy forum post I'm Done, Gone Fishing'

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