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lock Ten wątek został zablokowany przez ninja za złamanie Kodeksu postępowania.
Edytowany przez użytkownika Steel Assassin: 10/31/2023 2:07:25 AM

Cheers to Hippy and Sam!

Today, a lot of employees seem to have been laid off from Bungie, including the community managers Hippy and Sam. I doubt that they’ll see this or any other former Bungie employee that was put in this impossible situation. Regardless I want to applaud you for all your hard work, to everyone who got laid off I want to thank you for all your hard work; I know that the community can seem critical and wrathful of your work but every second that we play or dedicate effort to the community is a sincere thank you for your dedication! I genuinely wish every last former employee that was laid off the best.

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