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9/15/2023 7:51:17 PM

Contest mode for Crota's End bugged. No update 3 weeks later.

I am fully aware that during contest mode bungie stated that they are aware of this issue and are investigating it. A week ago someone responded from b Bungie to a forum post stating that they are aware and are investigating this still. Now the TWAB was released recently celebrating and disclosing the figures for the first 24 hours, 48 hours, and the first week of the raid release but with no reassurance of the current investigation or issue at hand where I and many others like me did the challenge mode, completed the last challenge and did not receive the emblem. It currently feels like this issue is just going unnoticed and feels like Bungie hope we forget that this issue even exists. It would be appreciative to have an update on this issue as currently I am not hopeful in receiving my emblem I worked so hard to earn.

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    Swat The Bot
    Swat The Bot

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    You should read the latest TWID again, particularly this part: [quote]CROTA'S END 48-HOUR CHALLENGE MODE EMBLEM UPDATE Since Contest mode for the Crota’s End raid concluded, we’ve been investigating reports that some players who completed Challenge mode did not receive credit in the All For One Triumph when defeating Crota, blocking them from obtaining the Triumph and emblem. As a first step, we are currently creating a list of verified players who completed the Contest and Challenge modes, but who did not receive credit for defeating Crota during that timeframe. Secondly, we are adding a few server flags into the game with Update next week that will help us check off defeating Crota and unlocking the All For One Triumph. Third, for that content to be unlocked, we’re also working on creating an additional server item that our list of verified players can interact with to get their missing items. We believe this endeavor, particularly step three, will take a few more weeks to complete as we start setting things up. Once we have more information and a timeline to share, we will communicate that.[/quote]

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