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Edytowany przez użytkownika Lionheart231: 5/3/2023 11:12:16 PM

Destiny Dogz Of War - A Server For Solo Players And Fireteam Building

We have a bunch of players on our discord server that are always willing to help, or just team up for anything you might be looking to do. This discord server is all about helping each other out and building good fireteams for completing whatever someone needs help with. We have built out some really nice features into the server, and have a good community in there with active players. Feel free to check it out, and if you don't want to stay, by no means do you have to. We are just trying to make a friendly community that helps each other out and shares information. Also, I know this is a big ask for a lot of people looking to join servers/clans/communities, what is our time zone? Don't worry, we have Guardians in our server from a bunch of different time zones. So most likely if you are looking for people to play with, you will find it with us! Discord Invite Is: (This is just a redirect link to our discord server invite page)

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