Really, its almost all i see in comp or in this last IB or even in trials and quite a bit in quick play. Its not fun to fight against and it flinches more than snipers. It was perfectly balanced IMO last season before the super buff it got again. It really didn't need it. It should not be able to hipfire past maybe 20 meters of range, At Least not accurately. For the damage profile it should almost have a scope glare past 30 meters. Its virtually impossible to win 1s unless you are also using DMT at this point. All around i think i preferred the No time meta over this again. Its just not fun to play crucible anymore for me. I think ill be stepping out.
The bigger the cheese the more popular it is
Podcast something something foundry perk something pie arch
instead of crying about it, learn to counter it
Jade takes dumps on DMT users.
I thought this was a pc thing like last time it was meta, only on pc.
Remember folks just about every other primary in the game has a faster TTK than Deadmans. Meaning... Land your -blam!- shots
Edytowany przez użytkownika Joshazorr: 1/17/2023 5:44:29 AMThe only problem I have with it is that you can put it on and see it on your own screen or watch someone else using it and watch as you get crit after crit after crit while simultaneously watching the bullets blatantly missing lmao (btw I'm talking bout on PC idk about console)
dmnt is just easy to use, every other gun with specific range will -blam!- on dmt easy especially on long range scout battle
It’s a decent gun but revision zero ntte and pretty much any pulse beats it
People who use dmt are easy to kill. Just use Perseus D. It’s an absolute beast.