This is a feedback to improve destiny raids and expand the numbers of the destiny raiding community as a whole gaining new raiders while imporving the skill levels of all.
The Contest mode of the raids are the best tuned content of Destiny 2 Raids. Far better than master which feels like it slaps master mods and champions like stickers on a lunch box. Some times they work; some times its bad. By locking the content to 24 hours you are minimizing a skill expected on your player base that only .1% can achieve (no lifing) legit. watch the saltagrepo stream of Kings fall tell me he looks happy to play your game. I didn't see any day one clear cheers in your past year at bungie video from world first players. The cap and expectation you have for first 24 is literal work for the raiders and not fun. If you allow contest mode to be a toggle setting after first 24 to replace master it dose two things for the dev team. 1) reduce time waisted on programing and developing a raid that feels slapped together 2.) allows players to obtain the skill level with in their own pace. If you think players will farm master for adept raid weapons with crafted weapons being so strong now here is a comment, the adept reward system is showing its flaws due to weapon crafting which i believe bungie devs are already working on behind the scenes. Master raid participation ourside of titles has no real reward or benifit anymore for gear...double down cut dev time take master out and replace with contest allow player contest mode weekly for all guns to be red box weapons rewards. give new raiders the time to close the skill gaps and allow all raiders access to your best content unlocked fully. or at the very least extend by a 24 hours and make it a raid weekend staring on Friday. legit there are a lot of health studies you can look up about staying up 24 hours and all that and as a gaming community most of the player base by statistic may not be in the best health so allowing an extra 24. can reduce the health risk you impose on the player base. i mean how bad would it be if you have a streamer in hour 22 of the contest mode drop dead from a heart attack because you FOMO the content. eventually it will happen.