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Edytowany przez użytkownika Onii_Chan_Kirito: 3/1/2022 7:02:07 PM

Solo player? Returning player? New player? Come be a part of the village and let us help you! (Crossplay, gamechat, international)

Come join the amazing teaching clans of the Village Hidden in the Dark and light find your place amongst the destiny community today. Looking for a fun clan that is diverse and inclusive? HERE WE ARE! Here at the hidden Villages, we strive to help everyone we can from teaching raids to teaching simpler stuff for returning players. We keep the atmosphere fun and light while still having a serious undertone. Tired of playing alone?? We know this feeling all to well that is why we are an international clan! We have people in all time zones so usually finding someone to play with is no issue at all. Very active with something always going on we also organize teaching runs. Due to the helpful ticket system we have its easy to keep track of request so no one goes without HELP!!! We run regularly scheduled raids and often have our own PvP events. With a love of destiny and anime amongst other things this group of players have been amazing at helping the community. Come join us and be apart of something bigger than just a clan come be part of a family!! You can submit a request to be added to the clan here Dark Village - Join today! Light Village - Come check it out! Come and check out the hidden villages. We share one big discord! Stop on in and check it out today! A link to our Discord We allow visitors that are currently happy in their clan to join us. We are always looking for friendly people and other clans to collaborate with. Contact us today and find out more!

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