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3/13/2022 9:23:45 PM

VotD 4th Encounter (Boss) - AoE Beam Desync

Since the raid was released me and my group have been experiencing issues with the boss, and I have not seen it report so I am coming here to do that. On the DPS phase for Rhulk, when he does the mechanic where he sends out the beams in all directions we are experiencing a desync where only some of the beams are applying the buff/debuff. Like after he shoots them half of them disappear instantly and do not give you the buff/debuff and the other half do like normal. We are also experiencing an issue where we are dodging the beam but we are still getting the pervading darkness debuff, even though we are completely out the range of the attack. Is anyone else experiencing this issue and does anyone know if it has been report, as I can not see it anywhere on the known issues forum.

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