Now I know what your thinking. Rhulk? Racist? Yes. He is the most racist character in Destiny 2. NO. Destiny 1 AND 2. No, out of everything, EVER. Now yes I know, my statement seems a bit far fetched. But also you must remember, I am the man who convinced everyone in the community that Among Us has better lore than Destiny 2 (which it does). Now, that I have your attention, lets list these BANGER reasons shall we?
Reason 1: Rhulk and Racist both start with R. Coincidence? I think not. This obviously proves he is racist but if you need more evidence...
Reason 2: Rhulk caused the collapse of his entire race. Uh oh! that seems a little bit racist!!! On top of that he also tells guardians to kill themselves which is also RACIST!!!!! Don't say that unless you know that race below the helmet!!!! Silly racist Rhulk...
Anyways, those are my 2 reasons on why Rhulk is the most racist being in existence. Now you are allowed to disagree with me if you desire (wrong) or you can agree with me (correct). Either way I hope I have opened up the truth to all of you on a very controversial topic. Until next time!
Oh I almost forgot my last reason!! It would've sucked not to include it since it's the best reason out of the 3. You know what? I'll end this essay with the most BANGER reason of all!
Reason 3: savathun booba.
Edytowany przez użytkownika Author: 3/10/2022 2:52:27 PMRhulk also hates puppies
That’s a bit sussy
The Witness is more racist because he’s white and wants to kill everything different than him he comes across. [spoiler]Just like real life white people![/spoiler] Obvious satire is obvious.
Connection terminated I'm sorry to interrupt you, Elizabeth. If you still even remember that name. But I'm afraid you've been misinformed. You are not here to receive a gift. Nor, have you been called here by the individual you assume. Although, you have indeed been called. You have all been called here. Into a labyrinth of sounds and smells, misdirection and misfortune. A labyrinth with no exit. A maze with no prize. You don't even realize that you are trapped. Your lust of blood has driven you in endless circles. Chasing the cries of children in some unseen chamber, always seeming so near. Yet somehow out of reach. But, you will never find them. None of you will. This is where your story ends. And to you, my brave volunteer, who somehow found this job listing not intended for you. Although, there was a way out planned for you, I have a feeling that's not what you want. I have a feeling that you are right where you want to be. I am remaining as well. I am nearby. This place will not be remembered and the memory of everything that started this, can finally begin to fade away. As the agony of every tragedy should. And to you monsters trapped in the corridors. Be still. And give up your spirits. They don't belong to you. As for most of you, I believe there is peace and perhaps, warm, waiting for you after the smoke clears.Although, for one of you, the darkest pit of Hell has opened to swallow you whole. So, don't keep the Devil waiting, friend. My daughter, if you can hear me, I knew you would return as well. It's in your nature to protect the innocent. I'm sorry that on that day, the day you were shut out and left to die, no one was there to lift you up in their arms, the way you lifted others into yours. And then, what became of you, I should have known, you wouldn't be content to disappear. Not my daughter. I couldn't save you then. So, let me save you now. It's time to rest, for you, and for those you have carried in your arms... This ends. For all of us. End communication.
If you hate everyone and everything, does that make you racist? I say no. I say it makes you a misanthrope
Edytowany przez użytkownika A Stormy Dio: 3/12/2022 6:27:14 PMReason 1: Circle is not Triangle. There, I just fixed your point.
News flash fanboi everyone is racist and -blam!- Deal with it Viva la revolution
Fair enough.
Edytowany przez użytkownika StonedSquirtlee: 3/11/2022 10:51:36 PMHit L E R did nothing wrong. You sir are a racism
Obviously we can draw three conclusions from this: 1.) Stasis is just racism. That's a solid one. 2.) This makes Eramis a racist. 3.) Ghost Lives Matter. After all, who's gonna open doors for us in strikes?
Another uneducated and hateful guardian who’s bullying poor Rhulk. Rhulk isn’t racist for a few reasons. 1: Rhulk is like Hulk with an R and Hulk is pretty cool 2: Rhulk is a being of color, that color being red, so he can’t be racist 3: You’re a big ole meanie pants 4: And finally we’re the ones who broke into his house and killed him while he was trying to play Among Us I hope you take this into consideration before making more ignorant and tone deaf statements.
No u. 1. You’re racist because you hat rhulk who is another species 2. You kill all the hive, you’re racist 3. Rhulk is clearly misunderstood. he’s not the villain, you are.
You don’t know how happy I am that this was clearly a satire post after reading the thread title lol.
Suddenly Rhulk is my favourite raid boss
Here, you forgot this: /s