As the title says, whenever I try to load into a public space, or any sort of activity that requires other players (so anything except for story missions and orbit), I get hit with "contacting Destiny 2 servers" for about a minute or two, before getting kicked out to orbit with either "weasel" or "beaver". About half the time I will get a message from BattlEye saying "Client not responding".
[b]What I've tried:[/b]
[i]Connecting using a wired connection:[/i] this helps, but it mostly delays the inevitable. Instead of being stuck with "Contacting Destiny 2 servers" the entire time, it only occasionally shows up, and eventually I get returned to orbit with one of the above error codes. (also a wired connection is not a viable long-term fix for me since my router is in another room)
[i]Reinstalling Destiny 2 fresh:[/i] no change after reinstall
[i]Verifying game files :[/i] no change
[i]Unlinking my Xbox character, as well as logging out of my companion app:[/i] no change
[i]Uninstalling and reinstalling BattlEye :[/i] no change
[i]Adding BattlEye to my firewall exception list:[/i] no change
[i]Updating VisualStudio C++ redistributables x86 and x64 (recommended by BattlEye tech support) :[/i] no change
I've also gone through the [i]advanced networking page[/i] and made sure my router was setup as recommended (it already was), so no change there.
Also whenever I start the game I verify with processexp that BattlEye is running in the background, so it isn't an issue of BattlEye not starting.
I should also mention that prior to the update I was having no issues connecting, so it shouldn't be a connection issue on my end, unless BattlEye is using a port that is blocked by my router, but according to BattlEyes page they use any available port issued by the router.
I don't know what else I should try, or if its a bug that will eventually be patched on Bungies end.
Edytowany przez użytkownika dougcpa: 8/26/2021 7:15:04 PMBungie is currently investigating increases in Weasel errors. https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/259485383?sort=0&page=0 [quote]We are currently investigating connection issues related to error codes ANTEATER and WEASEL.[/quote] So your issue could be related to what Bungie is investigating. Have you tried playing D2 on XBox to see if you get the same issues?