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Edytowany przez użytkownika Mechetti: 9/20/2020 7:58:34 AM

This forum has withered and died in front of our very eyes. It is up to US to breathe new life into it.

Will you be a bystander to its demise?


Or will you rise to the occasion and join me in this glorious revolution my brethren?


Hear me out. Boys, men, girls, women, genderfluid, attack helicopters, whatever gender the xi/xir pronouns refers to: listen to what I must say. Hear my plan. Feel my emotions. To hell with [url=]Alexander The Great & The Opus Mutiny[/url]. How great could the guy have been anyway? The peon died of a fever. We are stronger than this. We are FLOODIANS. One spore can infect AN ENTIRE GALAXY. This—THIS—will be the greatest speech you have ever heard, so strap the -blam!- in bucko. Do YOU remember the days when the whole front page of #OffTopic was filled with “<1m” signs? When it was a crime for your thread to reach less than a hundred replies?? When there was actually a FLOOD of random discussion to search, and not just trickles of piss from the tip of an old man’s rooster???? When good content was bountiful and arrived in scores with every passing day????? Well the sad sack of shit writing this does. He remembers it all too well. And he wants to see its return. And oh boy does he have a plan to make that happen. It is no secret that this forum has entered a new era. We, as the intellectuals we all are, would be blind to not recognize such a fact. Luckily we are not blind; combined we have the vision of a million of [url=]that one woman with really good eyesight[/url]. We all must come together to see the vision I am presenting to you. We are the [b][i][u]FLOOD[/u][/i][/b]. We are a hive mind organism by nature. Alone, we are weak, frail, susceptible to a single swing of the hammer. Together we are strong. Together we are invincible. Imagine a forum filled with new users to flex 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 your account seniority on. Imagine a forum filled with new users to teach about [url=]our fabled history[/url]. Imagine RP threads that require a league of moderators to handle. Threads climbing to 50,000 replies. Upvotes numbering in the thousands. This was reality four short years ago. We are all that remains from the last hurrah of the glory days. We are the vanguard. Will we be remembered as the ones who allowed this great forum to be lost to the years? Who watched as the petals of this magnificent flower dropped to the cold, hard floor one by one by one? Whose indifference lead to nothing but a placid wasteland? I think not. We are the vanguard. I will not allow this great forum to be reduced to nothing more than a good memory; a time that once was but is no more. Our time is NOW. We are the VANGUARD. We are the ones who are STEADFAST in the night. We are UNWAVERING in our will to see this forum rise from the ashes. It’s simple. We must infect the other forums. We must inundate them in our ways of debauchery, our top tier shitposts, our painstakingly obvious bait threads, our comradery, our shared history, our magnificent splendor. We are FLOODIANS. That name used to MEAN SOMETHING. We will NOT be remembered as the generation of users that allowed it to stop meaning something. We survived the [url=]Play Nice rules[/url] and returned stronger than ever. We can dig ourselves out of this slump. Alone, we are weak. Together, we are STRONG. SO WHO IS WITH ME?? WHO WILL JOIN ME IN THE FIGHT TO RESTORE THIS FORUM TO ITS GLORY DAYS???? [b][u]WHO WILL JOIN ME IN THE DAWN OF THE GREATEST ERA THE FLOOD FORUM HAS EVER SEEN???????[/u][/b] We must travel to the lands beyond our own. To #Destiny2, to #Companion, to #Help, to #Destiny, to #ClanRecruitment, to ALL of their dedicated subforums. We must private message all of their users and inform them of the grandiose times that await them in the great #OffTopic forum. We must breathe new life into this rotting corpse. It is up to US to take action and US alone, for we are the VANGUARD. We will create the most glorious forum to ever grace the likes of the internet, and we will bask in its splendor. So, I ask again, [b][i][u]WHO. IS. WITH. MEEEEEEEEE?????!!![/u][/i][/b]
#Offtopic #Flood

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