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Daj się porwać dyskusjom o wszystkim.
6/16/2020 8:27:42 AM

Officially been here for 11 years

Made this account in the 7th grade, back when my biggest problem in life was struggling to get to a 50 in Lone Wolves in Halo 3. Never made it past 45. Joined a group in late 2009 and still talk and play games with those guys to this very day. I'm grateful to call those guys my closest friends despite never even meeting them IRL. Don't know what I'd do without them. There's very few familiar faces still here from old Bnet but I'm happy to see some remain. I'll never forgive Deej for completely nuking old Bnet's archived forums. At least I was able to screenshot my very first post and cherish it forever.

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