How can go person to Wal Mart freely where there's dozens of people where any one of them can be carrying the virus but [url=]this guy can't be in the -blam!-ing ocean, as much socially distant as you can be, is arrested and fined?[/url]
Answer: you humans are petty, and during a situation where you feel a complete lack of control, many of you, especially those with power (however little) will demonstrate very controlling behaviors to compensate.
Edytowany przez użytkownika o_____________o: 4/14/2020 11:49:21 PMIt is easier to close off federal property than it is to create exceptions. The virus spreads fast, therefore we have to react fast. Anyway, social distancing does work. Look at Ohio, which has been ahead of the curve in terms of tackling covid-19. The infections (per million) are the lowest of any state. You can see this in history as well, just do some research on the Spanish flu. You'll find that those regions which implemented social distancing had the lowest amount of deaths and infection.
The concept is fine. Your title and post are clearly a mismatch
It sets a precedent. Once one person goes, others will follow.
There’s that, but then there’s also the fact that you can’t go to other residences. I live in Michigan and some people have cottages up north. They can’t go to their houses [i]in the middle of the woods[/i], or they could get arrested.
Dust Masks also confuse me. I don't think thats gonna stop any airborne pathogen.
Florida. Spring break. You let one person break the law, you have to let everyone else do it. Classic case of, “The Rules Don’t Apply To Me.”
The Spoken
😴 - 2/5/2025 12:59:02 PM
because the collective brain power of California is average to poor at best. -
Because the beach is federal property. The government has closed access to that property. Going into federal property when you are not allowed to is a crime. He didn’t get arrested for violating “social distancing” he got arrested for being on federal land without permission. The story makes it seem like it’s all about social distancing because it’s more sensational that way. But the facts are: -beach closed -go on beach -Stop! You’ve violated the law!
>mfw Europeans can’t open the article
When i go to store to buy my "essentials" and folks make a direct attempt to get out of others way.. Im like.. This is kinda nice. Then i see online that i may not be able to purchase a scrabble game or a garden hose and im like.. This is not so nice... But i will always be able to buy scratch off lottery tickets... Yes?🤔 Welp, some folks wanted a state run governance where we were told what we may have, do and breathe... Now i suppose is the time to rejoice. This is how i would imagine its gonna be. Welfare checks for all... Again, scratch offs are a available way to spend your "stimulus" checks... And its, for the time being legal, cuz u know... "Your helping to send a kid to college.." Say what?
You're a little confused. He didn't get in trouble for getting within 6 feet of other people. He got in trouble for ignoring the orders of a lifeguard and not adhering to stay-at-home orders.
Except for it’s working.
You can get arrested for ignoring lifeguard orders just as you can for running a stop sign held by a traffic guard. One must understand that if the state allows one guy to go paddleboarding, what else can people do? Could they surf? Go out and tan? It won't just be one guy, others will come because if that one guy is allowed to do it, why aren't they?
What has this planet come to
Well, I tend to go by truck, but I guess you could go by car, motorcycle, skateboard, bike, foot, etc.
Makes sense to me...
You are absolutely correct. It does not make any sense. Also note the contradiction of "social distancing." There is nothing social about distancing yourself from others. Then there are also the promotional hashtags like, "alone together." There is no togetherness in being alone. It's a clever play on semantics. I've been saying this SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic is being exaggerated to an extreme degree for months now. A lot of people are finally noticing this is true. Hospitals reported as overencombered with SARS-CoV-2 patients are found to be empty. Tents assembled for testing and diagnosis are also found empty and barren of equipment. Recycled hospital video of wards treating SARS-COV-2 patients broadcast in different countries. There's a lot of inconsistencies. There is definitely more to what is going on than a viral infection. It's very serious. I'm sure we are not in any danger. We will just have to see what happens over the next couple weeks.
Entertainment vs necessity. You don’t NEED to be in the ocean, therefore you’re unnecessarily putting others at risk. You NEED to acquire food to survive, so therefore it’s ok to go to the market.
[quote]How can go person to Wal Mart[/quote] Can't stop laughing at this bit, lol