I’m just asking cause I don’t understand. Every pinnacle pvp weapon has been nerfed in one way or another before trials and even before then.
Why did revoker get a buff this season( only arche type that can 1 shot supers after 140 nerf) when it will literally be the most used dominant weapon in trials. It’s currently the most used weapon in game for pvp according to destiny tracker. It will promote the most toxic sitting in the back waiting for misses meta ever. You have to be blind not to see that.
So I’m not asking for it to be nerfed, I just don’t understand why it wasn’t nerfed.
The revoker needs a nerf, not only can it 1 shot a super but whenever you miss you get your bullet back, why should you be rewarded for missing?? I can see if you got a bullet back for hitting someone but for missing!?!? That makes 0 sense, the fact that I can jiggle an angle bait 2 shots (the normal amount of bullets for a sniper) and still have no other way of killing the person holding the angle other than either out aiming him and hitting a headshot or getting lucky and him missing and being able to rush him and hopefully kill him before he can body shot me and then pull out his Spare rations and 1 shot me. PLS NERF THE GUN ITS OVER POWERED TO THE MAX!!!!
Edytowany przez użytkownika iliopoulosXD: 3/9/2020 1:46:28 PMAnother nerf post. Nerf the entire game. I got killed with a weapon once!!!
I think it should be completely reworked. I can already see Revoker plaguing Trials.
It shouldnt reward someone for missing... its a poor mans ice breaker. My Rework: - Hitting an enemy takes a portion of ammo out of their magazine.
You want them to nerf a mediocre gun? Its barely worth using as it is. Besides, it's getting retired soon so you'll get your wish
Edytowany przez użytkownika manowar: 3/21/2020 9:46:50 AMRedacted
? It’s a Sniper rifle..... used at range.... why would you want it nerfed? To what ? Not kill somebody with a head shot? When you can get one shot at 8-10m with a shotgun.... 🤔
It will hit a nerf this season for sure.
Press! That! Button!
Controller using revoker bots going to be fun to play against in trials......
It won’t be relevant in a year or two, why bother? At that point the community will have the option of maybe reacquiring it with different perks. See Director’s Cut and TWAB re “forever weapons”. Why they’re doing this at this point in D2 is a mystery when D3 will effectively reset everything anyway. But trust Bungie - this is absolutely necessary.
Because it's no different from any other aggressive frame with snap shot? Only reason it's used more than other aggressive frames isn't because of the perk, it's more because of the zoom value on it. Compare that to let's say Trophy Hunter and you'll see for yourself.