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Destiny 2

Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny 2.
10/9/2019 7:28:31 AM
Ya know Bungie (deej?) You really should stop saying no downtime expected when a hotfix is rolled out. None of us will believe you next week. A better course of action would be to say... Destiny and Destiny 2 will be taken offline for maintenance on (insert date and time). Expected downtime is 2 hours. won't have a playerbase getting angry about error codes and emergencies, sitting in front of their TVs and monitors, jonesing to t-bag something. AND if it only does take 20 - 30 mins, you come off looking like angels. AND the more adult part of your playerbase will stop taking a day off work to sit and stare at ONE MOMENT PLEASE.

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