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Edytowany przez użytkownika Grenaae: 9/26/2019 4:32:15 PM

About Bungie Rewards

[b]Hello everyone / Bungie employee[/b] I'm a little stuck and I don't know where to get answers, so I made up my mind and wanted to post this. I'm new to posting things so please look over your shoulder if I'm typing anything wrong. This problem applies to everyone who is going for Seals and Bungie Rewards. To make a long story short. I wanted to talk about the Bungie Rewards system, specially for the [i][b]"Seal pin discount codes"[/b][/i]. I have 8 out of 10 seals completed in-game and have been spending hard and a long time to complete all seals before the launch of Shadowkeep. I wanted to order all my seals from the Bungie Store at the same time to save some cash on the shipping. I live in Europe, so the cost would be A LOT if I was to order one at the time. [b]The main problem[/b] I unfortunately [b]did not[/b] get any notification on mail that my [i]"Bungie Rewards"[/i] was ready to claim, and after checking out the last order dates for the Seal pins in the Bungie Store, I realised the discount codes has expired 1 month before the actual order date. This is where the problem comes up. I've tried to contact people and Bungie all over Twitter and submitted a ticket for the Customer service in the Bungie Store for answers with only getting links to information that was useless for this case. [b]The solution?[/b] I'm almost forced to buy [i]"discount codes"[/i] from other websites and "reclaim" my never notified discount codes just [b]does not[/b] sound right to me, and the cost would be surprisingly [b]$601.40[/b] - and that is only for the codes to actually purchase the items in the Bungie Store. The total would be [b]$800.65[/b] without shipping costs - I have no idea how much the shipping will be. [b]So I had a thought[/b] I understand the procedure of manufacturing and shipping, but why not extend ALL Triumph Seals that has been out since the launch of [i]"Forsaken"[/i] and up to [i]"Season of Opulence"[/i] until [b]01/01/20 05:59 AM PST.[/b] if it crashes with something, then [b]12/31/19 11:59 AM PST[/b] (same as the [i]"MMXIX"[/i] Seal date) would be a reasonable date. Changing seal pin dates for the future should be at the end of the year. And weapon replica should extend to 6-12 months. [b]Example:[/b] -Every Triumph seal pin (and discount code) released AFTER[i] "Forsaken"[/i] should be available until [b]01/01/20[/b] [i](Timestample)[/i]. - Every Triumph seal pin (and discount code) released AFTER [i]"Shadowkeep"[/i] should be available until [b]01/01/21[/b] [i](Timestample)[/i]. - Every weapon replica (and discount code) should be available up to [b]6 months / 12 months[/b] AFTER the weapon content drop is released. (New weapon replica drops on [b]10/01/19[/b] and are available until [b]04/01/20[/b] [i](Timestample)[/i]. [b]Thank you[/b] [b]To the Bungie team:[/b] Please take this feedback back to the team who controlls the Bungie Reward system. And is there any chance to send me the expired discount codes on my registered email so I can order all my seals without spending a crazy amount on other websites. [b]To the Guardians:[/b] Thank you for taking the time to read this post, hope my english typing is readable and that I didn't waste your time. One last thing, the discount codes that I lost is [i]"Reckoner"[/i], [i]"Blacksmith"[/i], [i]"Wayfarer"[/i], [i]"Unbroken"[/i], [i]"Chronicler"[/i] and [i]"Cursebreaker"[/i]. I only have the codes for [i]"Dredgen"[/i] and [i]"MMXIX"[/i] in my mail. [url][/url] - for those who want to see the frame. - I'll be going in a corner and stare at my empty wooden frame and cry. [b]EDIT: I was reached and got all my codes back. Thank you random Guardian and BungieHelp.[/b]

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