Gabriel(from gabriel dropout) [spoiler]She's lazy and loves video games just like me :D[/spoiler]
better one
I'm torn between Donald J. Trump with his stand Build Wall or Dio Brando with his stand The World.
Edytowany przez użytkownika Barbatos: 7/25/2016 8:48:25 PMthe #1 cat girl, Aisha Clan-Clan
[b] [/b]
[b] [/b]
I'm going to sound really edgy, but... Yuno. She's cute, got decent rack, all I got do is calm her down..
Yoko best waifu
What is a waifu?
edipz iz mi favrit wiafu
I personally think Shaman is the best waifu
Edytowany przez użytkownika Cegiofra: 7/26/2016 11:06:55 PMYANDERE IS WINDERE [spoiler]my waifu is Kurumi Tokisaki[/spoiler]
Yuno best waifu
Harambe is the best waifu 😩😩😩😩😭😭😭😭😭😍😍😍😍😜😍
Anyone want to be my loli?
There are some lonely people in here...
I really want this to be a shit-post
Edytowany przez użytkownika Caustic Alpaca: 8/1/2016 8:21:50 PMI only watch a couple anime shows, but this chick from Hunter x Hunter, damn.
Any1 have any spare bleach [spoiler] ...a casual loop within this toggler's mechanism suggests that the toggling process somehow binds space and time into... [/spoiler]
Cancer....cancer everywhere
Lmao at all the antisocial borderline pedophiles in this thread
Joseph Joestar still best waifu/husbando. He 'checks up' on you.
Edytowany przez użytkownika Tsukuyomi Zero: 7/20/2016 5:26:38 PMRem is best girl. Atem > Kaiba
She's mine.