Unless otherwise specified, the Bungie Services are for your personal and non-commercial use. Except as expressly provided in these Terms, you may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information, software, products or services obtained from the Bungie Services.
Terms of Uses
I will make it legal
Wow. This is just.....stupid. Why would anyone even want to do this? I know that there are people who do but it is ridiculous. There are people who will help for free and it takes away the accomplishment of getting the gear. Besides if you don't actually plan on raiding yourself then you don't even need it. Blows my mind that this exists. Plus there is no way in hell I am giving my account info to anyone. That is just playing with fire.
Anything to get that F*ckin chaperone quest done.
Those terms refer to copyright infringement. Sad but boosting as advertised is not really illegal as long as they're not taking money out of Bungie's/Activision's pocket. However one would be stupid to pay them, there are tons of guardians out there who would do it for free. 300 dollars for a raid where you're allowed to play with them is just ridiculous and a sad attempt at creating money.
Technically yes ? By what you're saying people that stream games for a living are illegal as well lol
It's free advertisement for them at the end of the day. So I don't think that they will have many problems with the people that stream their destiny vids
Edytowany przez użytkownika Dampfanator: 12/4/2015 6:44:02 AMWhat a pathetic attempt at making money... If anyone buys their services they are idiots and these guys deserve their money. There are thousands of guardians that would do this free of charge.
Bungie's mindset: "Hey guys.....boosters, laggers, & cheaters are paying customers too"
Edytowany przez użytkownika Silvurphlame: 12/4/2015 1:21:44 AMNo, the boosting services are probably not actually illegal. Boosting isn't copyright infringement, which is what that passage is about. Generally, companies wouldn't actually go after people unless it's really blatant [i]and[/i] take money (or expected or perceived monies) out of their pocket. That's why Twitch is able to be a thing and they aren't serving cease and desists to about a zillion YouTube accounts per week. Bungie can absolutely perma-ban all parties involved for boosting if they like but probably wouldn't, as even for profit, that's a gray area and not any sort of copyright infringement. Tough to seek criminal or civil penalties and just not worth the effort. It all depends on if they decide it's a big enough fish to fry.
Kinda sad to see. Many people are just glad to help out without pay.
Many companies crack down on boosting very quickly, with some even banning accounts that advertise themselves etc. Also wuite a few of them are just scams or people who are not actually that good but looking for a quick buck by exploiting people who have quite a bit of money but who feel like they are not skilled enough.
You need to tag this post correctly to its highlighted for what it is.
Technically no.