"Naming and shaming" is considered harassment, among other things. This is clearly against the code of conduct. While your efforts to twist the code of conduct and privacy statement to your will are impressive, you will find that the moderators will not heed your request, as they are expected to follow Bungie policy, not MattP14 policy.
Edytowany przez użytkownika majordikman: 2/10/2016 11:49:13 PMI am some what new to playing this game; but I will state this. There are far far too many cheater here as well. One of the reasons I quit playing Delta Force was all the cheaters. So Bunghole? You claim to invest 500 Million? Well I can hear the toilet flushing on that.. Case in point the "free for all" Way too many cheaters. No i AM NOT WHINING; JUST STATING A FACT MANY ALREADY KNOW. You claim level advantage is disabled? Then explain to me how I hit some one with a grenade, backed up with heavy machine gun and when they were close enough hit them with the fist of havoc they don't go down; instead they turn around and kill me instead? You also let players with legendary weapons in the arean with others who don't have them because to get them like one level 30 You have to buy the "Taken King".. You expect us to be that stupid to spend that kind of money? Nope not me. As for Bunghole ignoring all the cheaters you will lose a player and many like me. There can be an enforcement system to "Ban" cheater by the players themselves and those cheaters "banned" can appeal it to YOU.. Simple setup and enhance your reporting system. When some one is reported; the system can look at how many report they have gotten along with their kill ratio and game stats; the deciding factor to "banning them would be their "internet connection" and "hacks - GOD MODE AND MORE" Simply put if it is so bad to cause "lag" then they are banned until it is "fixed". Yes there will be an occasional drop in connection so a number of them can be allowed in a game; say 2-3 then they are kicked out of the game and warned. Then a progressive warning can be given. This ALL CAN BE AUTOMATED.. YOU Bunghole know all of this already; it is on the "net" for all too see on how to cheat; so why isn't Bunghole taking those found "cheats" and fixing them? Also I have read a number of postings here backing you up in your warped interpretation of the COC; the thing is the reported "cheaters" no personal information is released nor are there any personal attacks for the simple reason; only the "cheaters" handle is the identifier and not any "personal" information released. We are waiting for an answer...
Warning others of cheaters? I don't see how that's shaming. It's not like the Bungie "ban hammer" has accomplished anything of narrowing down the numbers of cheaters. Pretty feeble, Bungie. But then again, much of what you do is pretty feeble. It doesn't even surprise me anymore.
Are you even following your own policy?
So instead of addressing the countless complaints you choose to single out this post and reply? You disgust me, waste of a human.
It's not his job
Got him
It wouldn't be a problem if the in game report system actually worked. But it doesn't.
So by that statement I assume that you and therefor Bungie both support and protect hackers and the people who intentionally break your game for their own benefit? Just another example of why your company is slowly going down the toilet
I violated the Code of MattP14 and was met with bungie abuse.
So if you spot a hacker you can't report him\her?
looks that way..even if you got video proof..maybe just post it on you tube..
You just shamed him but was not met with justice? right.....
Then make a in game system that works. We all laugh at you moderators and the in game report system.
im sorry but (the authors name) was given in your own post so why are you not met with ninja justice.
Mattp14 policy, haha
Haha!! What an answer :) awesome
If the community felt like the in game reporting system actually worked, people would be less inclined to resort to other tactics. Or if Bungie would dump the p2p model for PVP, or at least navigate away from it slowly, this would become less and less of an issue at the root. Attack the root issue, the ability to manipulate the netcode, and the issue really is moot.
Edytowany przez użytkownika TreeMan_X: 9/9/2015 4:08:24 PMis it possible to report a mod for encouraging cheating and hacking? lol
Then you should allow your moderators to be able to provide anwsers and help to forum and destiny related issues not just enforce the COC.
Edytowany przez użytkownika Andalite: 9/9/2015 4:22:31 PMI find it quite alarming that people are unable to actually use their reading comprehension skills effectively. This is the most blatant twisting of words to ones own purposes I've ever seen in my life. Naming and shaming [b]is[/b] against the CoC. Deal with it, you blind, selective reading Neanderthals.
Maybe you should follow the COC as under what was just stated you just violated it by calling people idiots.
Nope, you have no need to call them anything you could of just said Deal with it .
Many people don't care to name and shame. But will still share a video just to ask/get feedback for that questionable moment. Are these people really in the wrong? Regardless of your opinion, don't tell them what you think because they won't understand your gripe with them anyways. We call them, filthy casuals.
Oi! Careful what you say about casuals; I am proudly casual. I enjoy my games as relaxation. Call this new generation of gamers what they are. Neo gamers.