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5/24/2015 3:40:04 PM

Connection loss since House of Wolves Update on Xbox One

Ever since House of Wolves released, I've been getting a ton of connection errors. This NEVER happened before House of Wolves launched and it mostly happens in Trials of Osiris or Prison of Elders. The errors I've been getting have been mostly Weasel, Baboon, Centipede, and Marionberry. I know that these are supposed to be NAT issues or issues with my internet, but I NEVER got these errors before the update and other games on the same console connect perfectly fine. My NAT is open and everything is the same as it was before the updates. The errors are so frequent, I almost never finish an activity without getting one. I've done everything I can to fix the problems, but they persist. Also, I know I'm not the only one with these problems. A lot of my friends have had the exact same problems. Help me Bungie, you're my only hope.

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Bądź w porządku dla innych. Poświęć chwilę na przejrzenie naszego Kodeksu Postępowania, zanim zamieścisz swój post. Anuluj Edytuj Stwórz drużynę ogniową Posty

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  • 1
    Hi, i'm on ps4, but i have few différents connection's issues too, and it's started at the second DLC launch. It's worst with the last patch. Seriously guys, i can understand the DLC problemes and you try to fix it. But you really think of not launching a patch on tuesdays, plus you add iron banner, the same Day, knowing that you have issues. Ps: the iron banner's rewards are... let's says not good. etherics lights OK, but the ''others things'' are useless, plus armors at 36 ??? I'm just a player but this is just how it should ne: 1- add new content 2- fixes news content's bugs 3- launch quests with INTERESTING rewards so players can be stimulate

    Język wpisów:


    Bądź w porządku dla innych. Poświęć chwilę na przejrzenie naszego Kodeksu Postępowania, zanim zamieścisz swój post. Anuluj Edytuj Stwórz drużynę ogniową Posty

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