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Clan Recruitment

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7/19/2018 3:16:27 AM

Tomorrows Guardians PS4 recruiting US only at the moment. 18yrs or older 84/100

Hello there Guardians! How is everyone doing today? We are recruiting for Tomorrows Guardians clan & was hoping we can put more of activeness into our clan! We also understand that people have lives as well & that's okay. We all just want to have fun playing together, getting along & just get things done. I actually miss having an active clan. I do understand that you can't force activity on anyone if they don't want to. We are a laid back clan and I hope we can get this clan to do raids again. Also our clan is in the talks of expanding our clan as well to other games and we only have the admins at the moment working on that. We also have a PSN community clan page that I would love for all our members to join to have a better experience in finding people and just talking or gaming. If this clan is right for you we hope your stay is long and adventurous. Also I left the website with the rules at the bottom to ensure we are right for you! Again we are trying to do everything we can put the activeness back into our clan.

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