All these stasis weapons with Adrenaline Junkie....
And the only grenade that procs X5 A.J. on Stasis is Glacial Walls....
Warlocks have Osmiomancy (Coldsnaps) Exotic...
Hunters have Renewal Grasps (Duskfield) Exotic
And Titans have..... Literally 0 exotics for Glacial Walls.
Would love to see some added functionality for Adrenaline Junkie on Stasis with the other 2 grenades, as [u]it is hard to increase weapon damage while shattering targets... [/u]OR [u]just slap Paracausal Affinity on more stasis weapons that would [b]"literally"[/b] just solve the entire issue altogether.[/u]
We have 0 Stasis weapons with Paracausal Affinity. This would be a good step in the right direction for these types of weapons specifically.