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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
1/13/2025 7:08:56 PM


WHY!?!?! Why make the exotic mission on expert SUCH A F-ING DRAG for general solo players?!? WHY!?!?!?! What does it achieve? Who benefits? Is it REALLY THAT HARD to program a general difficulty modification into the game the scales the difficulty for solo players? No... it's not, because you've done it for other content! So again, WHY!?!?! I simply do not want to talk to people to play the damn game. It's literally that simple. Let people play the damn game alone, and stop artificially shoving difficulty gates in our faces to "make friends". I'm sorry no one liked you when you were younger... but you're adults, you have friends now, knock it off! I just want to unlock the exotics catalysts and intrinsic's. I'm already SEETHING over the bullshit y'all are pulling over the tonic ingredients being gated behind the exotic mission. Screw you if you think increasing the amount we get from running the activity is enough... it's just insulting. The entire community is trying to simply get through this -blam!--show in hopes something else in the future holds real promise... but my lord y'all are so disconnected from reality!

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