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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
1/14/2025 2:47:25 AM

Trials made me quit

I like destiny PVP and I also like loot. This last weekend was shayura's and i wanted to get a better roll with target lock. I'm not the best but i've been to the lighthouse a few times. This weekend was not that kind of weekend. I came across way too many cheaters and played a few bad networking matches. People leaving their games early just cause they've given up fighting a stacked duo or cheaters. I dunno what to suggest to y'all to improve the game mode. I've deleted my chars and I've started playing deadlock instead.

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  • Probably should've aimed better.

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  • 1

    hmu for pms - 오래됨

    It really be like that

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  • Trials is literally the only thing that keeps me playing Destiny. Sucks that it got you so frustrated it made you quit though. I’m guessing you’re on PC because my console lobbies I don’t see any cheaters?

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  • Yeah, trials sucks. Not even worth the grind. Out if one night, you'd only get like 4 engrams. Even on double rewards. It's bullshit. And trials is just riddled with hackers. I just play 6v6. It's honestly more fun and I love the chaos.

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  • I just don’t play trials. Part of the reason is that even though I’m actually pretty decent at pvp all my skills go down the shitter for trials. I don’t even feel like I am missing out because the weapons are good-ish but there are easier to obtain ones that do pretty much the same thing and the armor doesn’t even look that good

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  • ... and the toxicity too. I was also after a better roll of shayuras this weekend, played a lot of trials matches and after a loss one disgruntled player typed into the text chat "you guys are #### ###. get cancer" ... I disabled text chat after that and just carried on ... never got the roll I wanted either. 🤷

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    1 답변
    • Yeah this is my departure post, i'll probably play again but remake my chars, and do the new player grind which is probably a lot more fun than Trials or Comp. I still have a good gun or two in my stash but my bests are gone. If there's big changes maybe I'll give it another try

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      3 답변
      • Played over 100p hours, played about 2 in trials, it's for sweats only and always has been, it's a choice

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      • Trials might not be currently hammering nails into the coffin, but it certainly did some heavily lifting digging the grave for this game.

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      • Trials made you quit???? Of all things it was trials???

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