WHY!?!?! Why make the exotic mission on expert SUCH A F-ING DRAG for general solo players?!? WHY!?!?!?!
What does it achieve? Who benefits? Is it REALLY THAT HARD to program a general difficulty modification into the game the scales the difficulty for solo players? No... it's not, because you've done it for other content! So again, WHY!?!?!
I simply do not want to talk to people to play the damn game. It's literally that simple. Let people play the damn game alone, and stop artificially shoving difficulty gates in our faces to "make friends". I'm sorry no one liked you when you were younger... but you're adults, you have friends now, knock it off!
I just want to unlock the exotics catalysts and intrinsic's. I'm already SEETHING over the bullshit y'all are pulling over the tonic ingredients being gated behind the exotic mission. Screw you if you think increasing the amount we get from running the activity is enough... it's just insulting. The entire community is trying to simply get through this -blam!--show in hopes something else in the future holds real promise... but my lord y'all are so disconnected from reality!
It would have taken you less time to find a fireteam for the mission than it took you to write this rage-post about not being able to find a fireteam for the mission Does anyone else enjoy the irony of "solo" players who dislike interacting with others posting on a Forum to complain to others?
작성자: Osiris(Pre-Nerf) 1/14/2025 1:17:10 AMtakes a solid 15min at max to solo it on normal. even my new light friend managed to solo it in like 30min... not sure when the mission became hard on expert it took us like 30 minutes with a couple wipes as we were getting the catalysts done (wiping to respawn the anchors). jsut lfg a team you'll be done with it before you know it
[quote]WHY!?!?! Why make the exotic mission on expert SUCH A F-ING DRAG for general solo players?!? WHY!?!?!?! What does it achieve? Who benefits? Is it REALLY THAT HARD to program a general difficulty modification into the game the scales the difficulty for solo players? No... it's not, because you've done it for other content! So again, WHY!?!?! I simply do not want to talk to people to play the damn game. It's literally that simple. Let people play the damn game alone, and stop artificially shoving difficulty gates in our faces to "make friends". I'm sorry no one liked you when you were younger... but you're adults, you have friends now, knock it off! I just want to unlock the exotics catalysts and intrinsic's. I'm already SEETHING over the bullshit y'all are pulling over the tonic ingredients being gated behind the exotic mission. Screw you if you think increasing the amount we get from running the activity is enough... it's just insulting. The entire community is trying to simply get through this -blam!--show in hopes something else in the future holds real promise... but my lord y'all are so disconnected from reality![/quote] The exotic mission is solo friendly.
1 답변
A lot of people are on here saying, "It's a multi-player game." OK? Most multi-player games allow you to play solo anyway
작성자: Itcus 1/14/2025 1:38:26 AM[quote]I simply do not want to talk to people to play the damn game.[/quote] Multiplayer game. Simple solution, play a "single player" game. FFS some people are so dense. Also, it's the harder version, mate. Did you expect it to be easier? 🧐
작성자: Guardian6266 1/15/2025 1:23:24 AMbungie explicitly admitted that the current setup leaves solo players in a lurch. there are some people who have had enough of bad multiplayer experiences and want nothing to do with the unwelcoming aspects of multiplayer. not sure how many copies of d2 and its dlcs have been sold to groups rather than individuals.
And the worst part is it isn't even [i]real[/i] challenge; pug two randos and the mission's basically a cakewalk.
[quote] I simply do not want to talk to people to play the damn game. It's literally that simple. Let people play the damn game alone, and stop artificially shoving difficulty gates in our faces to "make friends". I'm sorry no one liked you when you were younger... but you're adults, you have friends now, knock it off! [/quote] It's a multiplayer game. It is by nature not designed for solo players. Nobody is forcing you to be friends with people you'll play with for 30 minutes. You dont even need to talk because you certainly have nothing to contribute anyway. But it's good you play solo, you are exactly the person nobody wants to play with. Thank you for not engaging with other players so they dont have to suffer how miserable you are. As well, Im using slayers fang in raids without the catalysts just fine. You dont need them to do EDZ patrols or whatever you do. You want to play solo? Then actually get good at the game instead of throwing your toys on the floor and screaming like a child. I've met so many great and fun people in this game. The only joy in Destiny is the friends made along the way. I'm sorry you're such a miserable person. I hope the milk in your fridge is bad.
작성자: PK_Haseo 1/13/2025 7:32:37 PMPK_Haseo
You are Cringing right now, lol. - 오래됨
…I don’t play a lot an got it done it in 2 runs for catalyst & perks with randoms (since I can’t post ppl names I like to thank those lfg players who help me). -
작성자: ABADDON_WOLFFE 1/13/2025 7:29:05 PM°Expert is not meant to be soloed. If you want to run it as such it's to challenge yourself nothing more. °You can be in a team and not talk at all. °It's just a videogame. You are losing your 💩 over some pixels. Take a break breathe try again.
작성자: viiTactiiCZz 1/13/2025 7:32:29 PM[quote]So again, WHY!?!?![/quote] Because they don't want to, they want you to team up - so you can solo it but its more difficult or you can do it in a team at the same difficulty as multiplicity isn't active.