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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
1/13/2025 4:45:13 AM

Wait.... we have to run the Exotic mission HOW MANY TIMES??

Let me get this strait, You put a temporary resource needed for farming rolls of the last two "Episode" weapons in a low tier dungeon style(literally have to have a "good" build or you will be shredded) exotic mission KNOWING we need 3-5 of that resource to craft multiple tonics that then create the weapon tonic it self(that also needs that exact resource💀) and have the Ghaul(😏) to up the drop to 4...... is it me or did we get a wild trade off for not having time gated content?

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  • 3
    I did the math, took a while and my head hurts but I finally figured out many times you need to run the exotic mission. After like 3 hours of working out drop rates and even asking my brother to help me figure it out, we came to the conclusion that you need to run Kells fall EXACTLY 0 times. Its a video game, you don't need to do anything, stop blaming Bungie for things you're forcing yourself to do. If you want something you need to put the work in, that's literally life. Don't be so entitled

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  • I ran it 4 times and have a fully completed shotgun. 3 normal runs 1 expert. Took a little over an hour....... Then I helped a friend get it.

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    4 답변
    • [u]A few things to note[/u]: . They are [b]DESPERATE[/b] for players. Steam Charts do not lie, [b]NOBODY[/b] is queuing this trash. They [b]MUST[/b] ensnare [b]ANYONE[/b] left for endless hours. . This [b]ENTIRE DLC[/b] has been [i]fanservice[/i] for [b]streamers[/b]. They aren't remotely trying to hide this. They want [i]every[/i] casual and their mother to be forced to watch their sloppy little guides [b]OR[/b] hit them up for a [i]Sherpa[/i]. There's not anything wrong with it, but it is incredibly irksome they won't admit it as it's heavily influenced [b]ALL[/b] content released in [i]TFS[/i]. . [b]DON'T[/b] sweat the grind. Just leave bro. I've basically done that. Almost all my friends have too. And while I be back temporarily this week to run out some Liminality (a challenge I legitimately enjoy), there's nothing worthwhile you need to grind. The [i]Battlepass[/i] gives you a [b]FREE[/b] Godroll of [i]Liturgy[/i], the [b]ONLY[/b] weapon that will hold up over time [i]despite[/i] [b]Artifacts & Modifiers[/b]. You do not need [i]Tonics[/i]. You do not need to farm [i]anything[/i]. . Seriously, there's some awesome titles out there you're missing out on!

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      11 답변
      • [quote]Let me get this strait, You put a temporary resource needed for farming rolls of the last two "Episode" weapons in a low tier dungeon style(literally have to have a "good" build or you will be shredded) exotic mission KNOWING we need 3-5 of that resource to craft multiple tonics that then create the weapon tonic it self(that also needs that exact resource💀) and have the Ghaul(😏) to up the drop to 4...... is it me or did we get a wild trade off for not having time gated content?[/quote] As many times as the gun shoots in feet, Unless u try to jump and shoot the bat wing flying flappers ,then it only connects on every 3 rd shot.

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      • Until your hands bleed. That's bungies new hardcore experience.

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      • No doing the grind. They can keep that worthless crap. The game is not near as fun or engaging as it used to be. I get on and think about playing D2 then think, NOPE! I go launch something else. I never used to think like that.

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      • No one at Bungie play Destiny anymore, unless they have to for the job, consequently, no one at Bungie has a clue about fairness, or incentive to play, some one else said, force the grind from the few left playing, but the lame brained morons at Bungie think it was a good idea, instead, even more players are quitting the game ... Some say RIP Bungie, me, prefer to say "rot in your self dug grave"

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        1 답변
        • Yeah that Icebreaker exotic quest too. Bungie trying to put in a filler grind just to keep players running the hamster wheel dangling that exotic on a stick in front of us...and easy cash grab for their tedious work they gave us. Yeah I don’t feel like playing anymore. Thinking about investing my time and money elsewhere where there are more fun things to do...

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        • 작성자: Reprimer 1/14/2025 2:05:28 PM
          4 times

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        • There is almsot always some BS catch with Bungie and for no damn reason, they can't just do something good and not screw you over in some other way. Yet another reason why getting rid of crafting was a mistake.

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        • Lol, that was… punny. 😏

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        • 작성자: Cooper 1/14/2025 4:45:27 AM
          Legit I login to do my 3 vespers host boss cp runs for the week get annoyed I don't get icebreaker or a good roll on the weapons and dip. After I completed the GOS crafting grind I stopped playing can't play strikes solo to bs with weapons and builds. Don't know SE so I'm not running it pvp is dead as is gambit.

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          3 답변
          • I have ignored the tonic system mostly, it was terrible when it releaesed, and it's terrible now. You pick a certain weapon, and that weapon still doesn't drop. In addition, the weapons are worse than weapons we already have and the origin trait is mid at best. I ran the mission for the Shotgun because it's a fun gun, not spectacular, just fun. If you're only after the gun, you can effectively knock it out in 4 runs, see below. 1 normal run if you want the base version without additional mag/barrel/stocks and no Catayst Traits. 3 normal runs to obtain the weapon and unlock all musical notes to access the mag/barrel/stocks. 3 normal and 1 expert run to obtain the weapon and unlock all available crafting options including the 4 catalysts.

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          • I got about half way through my first run (spent ages trying to figure out the organ sequences which I now see was pointless in a first run) then my wife called me for dinner. Logged in again later, saw there was no checkpoint, couldn’t be ar53d. Watched Esoterik do the whole thing a few days later. Don’t really bother with tonics as they are an over complicated time eater. Surely some of the Bungie employees play the game and surely they all have the same issues as us?

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          • You also need those tonics to finish Eidos fieldwork I got my desired roll of the scout , and don't care about an ad clear rocket So essentially I was grinding for tonics I will never use just to get the title

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          • 작성자: Magiscene 1/13/2025 3:44:02 PM
            The rocket and scout don’t intrigue me enough to run the mission. I ran it 3-4 times which was enough to get all the resources for the tonics that I won’t use. Imo you’re not missing anything not running it. The only reason the rocket is semi better than the other 2 stasis ones in the game is because it can be enhanced but I have god rolls of the one from GoTD which is so much better because of its origin trait.

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          • The most irritating part is getting the 12 crystals for the shotgun in the master version. Damn things were vanishing between players shooting them so we had to keep wiping until we all managed to get each crystal. Bungie just loves bugs in their main content.

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            3 답변
            • Then on top of that. You can get soft locked in the boss room, where you are not able to move pass the first part of going through the glass. 😒 Mission difficulty set to buggy as all hell.

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              5 답변
              • 작성자: Osiris(Pre-Nerf) 1/14/2025 1:11:52 AM
                to be fair if you do the 3 runs for the questline and the 1 expert for the catalysts you get enough flakes to unlock all but 1 or 2 tonics. which can be fixed in like another 1 or 2 runs. once you do get flakes, each tonic lasts for 90min? more? idk, even if you brew 2 tonics and play the game/farm enc like vespers or shattered boss... i dont think youre gonna go at it constantly for 3 to 4 hours. at this point people just see someone complain and make it their whole personality. yes the game has its issues, yes there bugs but most of the problems players face is caused my players.. it time people get that, if you don't like the grindy aspect or the difficulty of normal/low tier content maybe grindy games are not for you. id recommend a personal server with creative mode on minecraft with fundy's easy mode addon pack < 3

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              • With all the bad publicity I honestly don't think bungie could have -blam!- their IP harder in the -blam!- then they have this season. I can't wait for this low effort dogshit development to bleed into all the new games nobody will play.

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              • 2.5 minimum… that’s it if you prep yourself right. Only once on Expert if you want to unlock all the intrinsics. It’s a great weapon and has some good synergy with the artifact mods for this act… Side not: Old God Rite needs to last 2-3 seconds longer to feel strong

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              • Zero. It is a forgettable shotgun

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              • Did it once… got bored of tunnels…

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                1 답변
                • "it me or did we get a wild trade off for not having time gated content?" you probably not far from the truth and knowing Bungie it's highly possible

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                  3 답변
                  • you made it a lot farther than I did. the whole tonic thing blew my high. I was done by week 2.

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                  • You don't have to do anything in this game.

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