I finally got a Seventh Column. I was happy to say the least, texted my buddy, downloaded the clip, only to receive repeated error codes and be unable to play the game. If this isn't the most Bungie experience ever, I don't know what is.
I have almost 180k crucible kills. (I know this isn’t a ton by today’s standards, as a regularly play 250k-300k+ kill players.) I managed to get one seventh column and I will never forget it. It was a perfect line up of weapon and super kills in a clash match. Congrats guardian! (Sorry about the crash though.)
I got one on accident in Mayhem once due to the godawful respawn system at the time. I nova bombed the enemy spawn, 4 kills on impact, then the same 4 unlucky souls were spawned right back in the same spot to be killed by the nova seekers.