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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
1/11/2025 9:06:26 PM

Slayer's Fang doesn't excel at anything

It seems like it's supposed to be kind of a utility weapon, with the weaken and true sight, but we have plenty of other options that do the same job, or better, like Buried Bloodline or Tractor Cannon. It also does decent damage, but not enough to compete with other damage exotics. Even compared with the exotic we got last season, Choir of One, it falls short. Choir has more damage, more ease of use and versatility, and even has some utility through its destabilizing rounds catalyst. All in all, Slayer's Fang just doesn't feel like it excels enough at anything to justify taking up your exotic slot. Now they could just cram some extra damage into it, but that's the most boring way to buff it, in my opinion. What I'd rather see them do is give it a more defined niche that will give it a useful function and place in the game, even if more damaging options come along. One decent solution would be to improve its void verb access/synergy in some way, but we have plenty of void verb access and synergy in the game already, so while it could be effective in buffing Fang, it's also not the most interesting option. What I think I'd like to see the most is for Bungie to focus more on the Nightsworn Sight part of the gun, and lean into its theme as a hunter's weapon (no, I don't mean the Hunter class). I think it could be cool to have some sort of mechanic where when you have Nightsworn Sight active, you can aim down sights to mark a target, making them take increased damage from you and your allies. It would fit thematically with the way the gun is used to reveal the illusionary anchors in its mission, and provide some unique utility that we don't see much in the game right now. Or perhaps you could gain increased movement speed towards targets you can see with true sight, allowing you to close the gap faster, making up for the short range of the weapon. Or perhaps these 2 effects could even be combined together, letting you mark targets from a decent distance through walls, and then sprinting towards them at high speed, to hunt them down. There's also the possibility of giving some sort of benefit to players for defeating a marked target, kind of like what One Eyed Mask, or Cenotaph Mask do for you. These are just some ideas, but I definitely think Slayer's Fang is pretty lacklustre in its current state, and is unlikely to see much use without some improvements of some kind.

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  • I thought the same, when running around using it as a shotgun... but it has a couple of surprises. This is all patrol, so take it with a pinch of salt... It feels like it has better range than a fusion rifle and can (seemingly) kill multiple enemies in one shot... even those who may be a little distance back from the first. Ads feels good and I'd be interested to know how far the range goes. I've got a feeling that this is only a shotty by name... feels like a max range, zero charge time, tightest cone spread fusion, which is a little nuts!! Truesight is kinda meh, but there's no way I can test that in patrol... might take it into a master campaign mission and see if it has use.

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    2 답변
    • It excels at making enemies cartwheel. Soooooo many cartwheels. Yeah for sure a gimmick exotic like most now.

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      1 답변
      • True sight on a shotgun is air assault level useless.

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      • Already in the vault

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      • 작성자: Scourged One 1/13/2025 6:46:44 PM
        Your title is incorrect tbh. It's excelled at making realize how incredibly far this game has fallen. BungLe managed to combine a handout (all 4 catalysts done in one run, easily 😒) with a forced, repetitive grind that gets so boring... so quickly.

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      • It excels at bringing me joy from being basically a blunerbluss

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        1 답변
        • we got choir last season, much better and unique. we can still salvage it still. what does the shotgun do? AD CLEAR. it makes you kill ads to keep up buff, catalyst gives overshield but consumes too much ammo. make it a primary ammo shotgun and we got a unique close range option for builds.

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          3 답변
          • I deleted the new exotic shotgun with in the hour that I got it. Mid as hell and not worth the vault space. Many legendary slugs shotguns are just better.

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            9 답변
            • Extra damage? Are you serious? It's a special weapon.

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            • I mean it’s pretty solid. And that’s without combining it with anything else. Titans and hunters have easy synergy without even trying. Little trickier with warlocks but they also have the best devour perk making survival easier. The only bad thing about it is that it’s a shotgun 🤷🏻‍♂️ and shotguns are dangerous and inflexible in pve.

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              1 답변
              • I mean.. it hits pretty dámn hard with the perk active

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              • It's fun, for now. I used it on a hunter gyrfalcon build and its a lot of fun. I also used it with the titan no back up plans void build and it's incredibly good at infinite overshields and boss melting. When you build into it, it can be strong and fun. It will inevitibly get nerfed at some point.

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                1 답변
                • So like the gambit origin trait+knucklehead radar type tracking Pretty good use of things already in the game Bungie COULD make this happen (especially with their experience recycling and reusing assets) But who knows

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                • It's pretty fun running around and killing stuff in public zones etc. Neomuna actually a nice place to use it. My personal problem is it's a shotgun. I don't use Shotguns in PvP. If so I rather took Duality in the same slot. And in higher difficulty PvE I usually don't fight that close to enemies. There is a reason I run this mission with Wishender and Hammerhead or a Rocket Launcher.

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                • I think it'd be funny if the warlock's Nothing Manacles granted the submunitions tracking. The gun is practically a scatter grenade launcher already.

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                  4 답변
                  • 작성자: WinterSolstice 1/12/2025 5:15:28 AM
                    I've found the best use for it is to mix it a bit of ad clear and damage. I'm not sure the damage buff but after a kill it gets I think a 20-25% damage buff + the weaken effect and the extra projectiles hit the target you shoot for an extra about 30%-ish buff. It's pretty strong and while I haven't tested against raid or dungeon bosses (I think it'd be viable in dungeons as they spam ads a lot during dps phases) I have found the damage to be comparible to a lot of high damage exotic when the perk is active and even when it's not it still does decent damage thanks to the extra projectiles. I do think it needs a bit of help but it ain't a weak exotic I think my biggest issue is ammo without scavenger I'm getting like 2-4 ammo per a brick and it only holds 21 and it only gets +2 ammo when using reserves. Also Idk if you're a Titan but use it with no backup it's basically a permanent 35% buff especially since you don't need to sacrifice your super + exotic for bubble just to get its 25% buff.

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                  • New things aren’t supposed to excel at anything. It has to be a lateral addition or a worse addition. If it is accidentally better it needs to be nerfed.

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                    5 답변
                    • Idk what you’re talking about, for a special weapon its damage is pretty good. It doesn’t have to excel at anything other than being a fun gimmicky exotic 🤷🏽‍♂️

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                      22 답변
                      • it weakens, then you get the catalyst for void overshield and it does something different than buried bloodline. Different strokes for different folks. Personally, I'm not using my exotic slot on a shotgun in pve unless it's tractor cannon.

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