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작성자: Jonny Quest 1/11/2025 7:47:09 PM

Cheaters everywhere

It’s unbelievable the amount of cheaters in this game, no one’s playing anymore. Only streamers, cheaters and a few players who used to enjoy PvP. You just don’t get it right. Yesterday I played comp with some friends, of course we matched cheaters, but we faced some “in closet” cheater carrying some losers, he was so obvious. We reported him and blocked him, we faced him twice. Today after a terrible session of sbmm QP, I decided to play a comp match, well, the same cheater with the same duo playing. Of course he was cheating. This is terrible. Just stop with this game, if you don’t care just stop. TWID about PvP coming? It won’t matter if your reworks are as bad as the one you did with comp. You had everything to make this game one of the best and you failed.

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  • i've posted blantant cheating on these forms before and bungie gives me a forum ban. they're defending the cheaters. terrible devs

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    45 답변
    • I did see a post on x/twitter recently: A server group who offer services to players for subscriptions is being shut down due to 6mill legal suit, and bungie harassment. This might be a small drop in the ocean in terms of cheaters in the game (I have no clue personally... I've reported 1 player in the past year, so it doesn't feel bad - perhaps the great players aren't so great, but there's nothing to suggest otherwise). It is reassuring to know that steps are being taken, but appreciate it might be too little, too late for some

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    • i have SO many clips of cheaters from the past month that i could literally make a montage out of it. here a fix: you block someone and you dont match them anymore (it works like this is Halo). problem solved, after the first time you match them.

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      4 답변
      • Everyone in the d2 community should review bomb marathon when it comes out. I hope marathon does worse than concord.

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        6 답변
        • Why would there be a twid when nobody plays pvp? Face it, the game mod is not even in the top 10 in priority list, being right above gambit.

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        • Tell me about it. Went against this Guardian. Won't say his full name. We'll just call him Tet. He made 7 kills in Cathedral of the Dusk. Next match we are in Convergence. He manages to get 52 kills in this match just blinking everywhere with crazy accuracy and somehow always managing insane multiple kills after landing. A few other players on my team and the other also cheating. His kdr is only 1.7 yet playing like he's a regular 3.5

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        • I really wish there was a way to make people... 1) Describe the cheats they saw. 2) RECORD WHAT HAPPENED AND REPORT THEM 3) List what system they were using These vague complaints about cheating are so old, and I bet half of them are players who don't know wtf they're talking about. (Not necessarily talking about you, OP)

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          13 답변
          • 작성자: Dredgen Truth 1/12/2025 1:55:11 AM
            so given how many cheaters there supposedly are, and how obscenely low the player population is right now, you'd expect that everybody playing for any long amount of time would [i]see at least one of them,[/i] right? [i]So why is it that I can complete a flawless trials card without even noticing one, in any of my games played?[/i]

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            27 답변
            • 작성자: UnleashedArcher 1/13/2025 1:46:18 AM
              Bungie doesn't care Thus why Marathon will fail.

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            • 0
              It couldn’t be that they are just better than you…..god forbid….

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            • Agree, every weekend I bump into a cheater. Is it just me or do you all agree that Xbox has the most cheater?

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              6 답변
              • tHeReS nO cHeAtInG bRo jUsT gEt GoOd. Meanwhile aztecross who we all know, whether we care about streamers or not, is also talking about the cheaters.

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                1 답변
                • 작성자: elev8er 1/12/2025 2:28:28 AM
                  Console cheaters are bad too. I look back through their trials career and most seasons they are average or below 1 KD and this season they are 4+ KD. Then this week, 5+. Nothing is going to stop them, not Bungie, not their anti-cheat system, nothing. Maybe once the game drops even lower they will do something about it but they can't ban 1/2 of their low player base already. Last July there were over 200k players and now 30-50k each weekend

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                  7 답변
                  • This is what kinda of a joke the anti cheat is. and why this game is a mess. i just got banned from world of shitcraft for useing a bot for a few hours. there was no warning or anything. permaban on an 20year old account. but the thing is,the only thing u miss is all your characters and gold. if u start a new account u keep every triumphs,mounts,transmogs and so on. Bungie is way to clueless and couldnt care less about cheaters in this game. if they where half the company blizzard is,they would be way more successful.

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                  • People are making so much money on Bungies ignorance to the issue here.

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                  • I always report when i know someone is cheating but deep down inside i know Bungie will ignore these reports, i occasionally get the pop up message that someone was banned but that’s the hardcore cheaters like flying guardians and unlimited lives/supers But i’ve never received these for soft cheats like soft lock aim and hardware inputs Its so easy to manipulate the system too by intentionally tanking your KD its so dumb and you’re safe for ever

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                  • What kind of cheating were they doing?

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                  • S*ittiest part is that i don't think that can "fix" the issue any time soon. Most likely after the new season drops.

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                    1 답변
                    • Lately, i'm playing a lot of Gambit. Almost every match there's at least one cheater. Now they use Izanagis Burden, too. So they move from one side of map to the other side in a second and they one-body shot threw walls.

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                    • Only the D1 players who are left can tell you how D1 was nerfed and made unplayable in comparison to D2 at the time of D2s release. All I’m seeing with the current way it’s being managed is the same playbook unfortunately. Make D2 lacklustre and make Marathon incredibly appealing to suck in players before they bring the game into line with their vision with “balance”.

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