Can you please give us the option to delete the new exotic shotgun catalysts from our quest tab.
I'm not going to be running the mission on expert and will not be able to complete the catalysts.
So I have 4 catalysts using up my quest tab which I cannot get rid of.
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작성자: jhermannITJ 1/13/2025 7:06:00 AMMaybe this was already posted... Tab down one page and you can delete them if you want. Or try FF, there's tons of posts right now... 3-man expert ain't bad. Use "ALL" ... don't choose expert, the filters are bugged.
You already can delete the quests. You’re just posting because you have pent up resentment
작성자: EatTheCrow 1/11/2025 10:08:24 PMIs there a specific reason you won't be running it in expert? Do you need help with it?
Thats so weird. I checked and never even noticed there wasn't a delete option for the steps. But on a related note, kinda, I hate how we have limited space for quests in general.
작성자: Tis-but-a-scratch 1/12/2025 6:00:31 PMI’m right there with you? No desire to run expert. No desire to stress over rather I did it right or not or if I was able to shoot the anchor before someone else did. No desire to research and watch vids to have the right build. No desire to be 1 shot by a lowly red bar. No desire to deal with the endless adds all while running around like a chicken with its heap lopped off just trying to stay alive. No desire to be error coded out while almost done and the code suggests it’s my fault. Flat out insulting way to treat your customers btw. No desire to LFG cause I’m smart enough to learn from past experiences. And for what. To get a catalyst on a gun that will be made to be irrelevant in a month or two. I’d even argue it’s not relevant now. Especially for someone who rarely uses a shotgun in the first place.
It's not too bad on expert, plus all three players can shoot the anchors. Just know where they are and LFG it.