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1/11/2025 4:17:29 PM

Forced exotic mission

started it, was tedious, now i'm skipping whatever story is locked behind it won't bother with tonic grinds either badly designed tedious grinds intended to increase metrics are having the opposite effect on me i've got lots of other games, bungie needs to compete for my time, not assume they can treat it like garbage some out of touch suits are in charge of this now

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  • It is complete trash. Much too long and tedious with its stupid platforming. This is the kind of mission that kills motivation to play the game.

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    21 답변
    • 작성자: rednayeL 1/12/2025 5:19:28 PM
      Same here. I’m not even doing the seasonal storyline quest anymore. Something changed in this company. Let’s say when I saw the enthusiasm of devs talking about Nimbus, saying he was such a cool character, it was a sign of things to come. Disconnect. Bungie is in their own clown world.

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      5 답변
      • 작성자: FloodZ 1/11/2025 11:48:21 PM
        Exotic missions should have stayed what they were, incredibly hard and [i]optional[/i]. Instead, they got watered down and used to fill out the gaping holes in the story content. Now, completing the story through an exotic mission is harder than doing the story used to be but the mission itself is not as hard as it used to be, which pisses off the people who just want to log in and play a good power fantasy story once in a while AND pisses off the people who want more of a challenge and to be able to flex some loot that not everyone could or would get. Not everyone earned Whisper or Malfeasance, but whether they had it or not, they were still happier with the game than people are now.

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      • 작성자: Ogma: Destroyer of Worlds 1/12/2025 9:51:35 PM
        A bit dramatic, but I get the general sentiment. It wasn’t bad solo but running an exotic mission three times and calling it an act of the story is one of my least favorite things they’ve done. It’s both uninspired and also bad for exotic missions. They are making people tired of them or even not looking forward to them by implementing them this way.

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        1 답변
        • I can't even do the fieldwork for act 2 yet lol. This season is boring and I only get useless garbage loot for some reason, so I quit caring.

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        • The exotic mission shouldn’t be tied to seasonal/episodic story progress. It’s bad design. It’s stopped people like yourself from progressing the story. It also stops people like me from accessing the exotic mission because I have zero interest in this seasonal story or the tonics system.

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          2 답변
          • Doing it 9 times total on all 3 characters is ridiculous if I see that bungie should take this feedback and not do it in herasy exotic mission if we get one

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          • CEO Pete needs to play his own game and experience what we do. Things would change for the better pretty fast, IMO.

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            1 답변
            • I went in blind and it took an hour if that it isn’t the hardest or the longest

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            • Watch a guide and knock it out. Maybe a bit longer than some older campaign missions, but not bad when you know where to go and what to do. Less than an hour solo, and I'm not some elite level player.

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            • Think of it less as an "Exotic" mission and more of an end of season mission that gives you a garbage exotic as "extra incentive" to play. Trust me, it's not hard to do.

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            • Your squealing is comical lol. You call this a "Exotic Mission" to basically paint the picture of you being forced to run a timed zero hour or whisper mission. When in reality the exotic missions aren't even exotic missions anymore because of low skill cry babies like you that couldn't handle timer or anything remotely challenging. Now the rest of us get these very easy missions that require no effort and cry babies like you still throw a fit about it acting like its too much to handle. Stick to doing public events kid.

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            • I was sceptical at first. My first run took jus over 2 hours. Spent a lot of time looking for for the Scorn bowls to activate. By my third run, it was actually pretty fun. I'm a VERY average solo PvE player & I found it the easiest exotic mission yet. Once you get thru it once, it's much easier & quicker. And the platform sections are scarce & easy to deal with on any class. Jus a few jumps & one moving platform. Much more forgiving than Encore. I even done all 3 characters. 9 runs since Tuesday. Loads of Eido bounties too. The tonics tho.. some of the drop rates leave a lot to be desired. Bungie strung that grind out past a joke. It's downright insulting. Get a good build & give it a try. And the shotgun is bonkers even without the catalyst.

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            • I just ran it solo, wasn’t to bad but I do agree that I hate the idea of forced exotic missions to advance the story. I’m not even worrying about the tonics cause I haven’t used them unless it was for an achievement. This season/chapter honestly has been one of the worst they’ve released in awhile. I hate the idea of not being able to weapon craft cause I don’t keep seasonal weapons. I grind for the red box and once I have them I move on. I don’t like vault clutter and wish they’d go to a better vault system instead of what we currently have.

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            • Personally i do enjoy this mission, same with Encore. Being forced to run it multiple times to complete the story missions was just a big mistake. I'd rather want to come back to it to gain optional rewards, such as Ships, Shaders, Ghost shell, etc. Instead of them telling me to do it. Now most of us will remember these missions as nothing more than tedious and missed potentials.

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            • I definitely agree about the tonics not a great implementation. Boring.

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            • No one is forced to do anything ! I chose not to do exotic mission . I choose not to do any pve now and it’s made no difference.

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            • I feel like this mission is by far the easiest and quickest one to do. (Especially solo…)

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            • Were you held at gunpoint to play? No? Then you were not forced.

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              5 답변
              • And people want matchmaking with raids when they can’t do simple things like this

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                4 답변
                • Have to kind of agree. TONICS SUCK! I don't mind. In fact I actually like running ToE but all I get is toe jam, ewww so--- As for the exotic mission, I gave up on these stupid exotic missions. Seriously other then the originals where we got really good exotics (Whisper, Outbreak, Hawkmoon, and Deadmans) and even of those how often do you use them? I'm not an invis hunter shotgun ape so here's me caring about a shotgun I probably would not use especially as it will be nerfed (they nerf everything) and there already is a better alternate. Bungie wants to cater to streamers - perfect for me, I'll just watch one of their vids to get the story, boom done! Back to doing something I actually will enjoy, which lately is NOT Destiny! Although thanks to the Solstice screw up in D1 I have found more people in D1 then D2 and not just the tower. So nice to run fun Destiny content again! Sooooooo WHY?!?!?!?!

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                • You’re so weird. Why wouldn’t you want to do it? It’s content and it’s a decent mission. You only need to do it 3 times and there’s plenty to do differently each time. It’s not really any different to a strike. The only thing may be that if you’re trying to get all the upgrades for the gun, you’ll need to do it on the expert which may require an extra person depending on your skill level. It’s quite fun too. Imagine that.

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                  4 답변
                  • Please hang on 🙏 pete only need 6 more cars to complete his collection 🙏

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                  • Just play when you want and how you want! Unfortunately if you want things then play their way to acquire those said items.

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                    1 답변
                    • Oh no, you had to play a mission that was designed to be part of the story just like every other seasonal exotic mission has been. Whoever would have guessed. It must be a bummer that you had issues with a mission that was very easy to complete, so you had to come and complain about it instead of just not playing it or either getting better or finding a team to play with.

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                    • Bungie not forcing anyone to play the exotic mission but you have to do the exotic mission if you need the exotic or if you wanna know what happens in the stoy ( if you call this a story ) we know what kind of company Bungie is but in this case there's not guilty

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