Looking for a serious about not being serious clan
I'm a end game player who does everything in destiny. I wouldn't cal myself particularly good or particularly bad ... Though I do believe anything can be achieved in destiny with enough chill/patience.
I'm looking for a clan with a like minded outset who doesn't take themselves too seriously... A fun clan name is a bonus 😁
The Great -blam!- Recruiting - Social - Active - Skilled
The Great -blam!- (Tgr8T) https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=4315471
Active clan looking for 21+ new or veteran Destiny players. We are a social clan and want members that interact in VC. Joining our discord server is required.
Click here to join clan - https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=4315471
Clan Discord - https://discord.gg/jpFXRFs