It has come to our attention that some clans are using their communities for nefarious means, such as including paid services in their server and getting their communities to downvote and attack other clan posts. This is not okay.
The following policies have been implemented and will be enforced:
[quote][b]1. Any post that advertises a Discord server or website where paid services or paid tiers are offered will be removed.
2. If we discover that a clan is encouraging their community to attack other clan posts, all posts from the offending clan will be removed, with a possibility of clan members [u]facing a forum and/or in-game ban[/u].
3. Clans can advertise once per day. If more posts are discovered, they will be removed.
4. Bumping old threads to get them to rise to the top of the forum will result in the thread's removal.
These policies are not up for discussion. Failure to adhere to them may result in a forum ban and/or in-game ban.
Please be courteous to your fellow community members, treat everyone with respect, and follow our [url=]Community Standards and Codes of Conduct[/url].