Should be, yes. You'll find a few basic thread types here. 1. The complaint thread, which comprises most of the content here. They're gathering places for the like - minded seeking approval. Differing viewpoint of any type isn't accepted. 2. Q & A thread where the OP solicits for feedback. Usually, these threads are the type where you can sometimes find substantive input. 3. The helpful offer thread. Fewer and further between, but there are some good and well intentioned people here. 4. Suggestion thread. You'll see a good one now and then. For the most part, not so much because they're narrowly / selfishly focused. Anything that has to do with QOL....Bungie might actually listen to. Anything that goes against Bungle metrics from billions of hours of play time will get zero actionable attention. Think of this board as the Bungie / Destiny complaint department. That's mostly what you'll see. For more insightful threads in general....you're better off on reddit. Upvote / downvote is a crude way of communication except for the non-public acknowledgment you might get. Don't pay attention to downvotes....exactly like what you have here. On the other hand.....anyone coming here for attention / affirmation / hand holding has come to the right place. Just post how you (meaning anyone) think Bungie / the game sucks and you'll have company.