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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
6/15/2024 2:20:50 PM

Pathfinder is not for me

Pathfinder is ok in some respects but I don’t want to be forced to do crucible or gambit, can’t we have separate pathfinders or an option to reroll paths?! Btw, I know I suck at pvp, no need to search my stats and tell me what I already know!

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  • Pathfinder is awesome for destinations like the pale heart. But it sucks for ritual activities. They should make it so we have one for strikes, gambit and crucible seperately.

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  • doesn't matter if you suck or not just bad design for a game to force you into activities you don't enjoy the sole value you are paying for is to be entertained devs treat the game like the sole purpose is to manipulate the players

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  • The forced PvP is awful and I will quit before I play the terrible PvP modes. I really don't care for this mode and I don't care what anyone thinks about what I think about the mode. REMOVE FORCED PVP AND MAKE THE CONNECTIONS BETWEEN NODES MAKE SENSE. PVE -> PVE / PVP -> PVP.

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    1 답변
    • That and its broken.

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    • The only pathfinder node I don’t like is the getting kills with ignition. Otherwise I have no problem with pathfinder since I play all the game modes.

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      1 답변
      • Yeah, I was loving it initially, but forcing gambit and some specific style kills in pvp due to only progression path is not cool. I would rather do the 9 boring strikes than play a single match of gambit or crucible (unless it's a mode I like). On the bright side, the matchmaking times of gambit has gone down as more people are forced to play that 💩😂

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        2 답변
        • IMO the pale heart pathfinder is great but constantly getting ergo sum on top of the ergo sums I get from completing overthrow is kinda dull, on the other hand having to jump into gambit or crucible and get sniper kills for a pinnacle is a chore we need separate pathfinder’s

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          2 답변
          • Yeah, it’s dumb. I played a couple strikes today and I barely completed one node thing. I have to change up my style and guns to make progress. I wouldn’t mind if the tasks actually sounded fun, but they do not in the slightest. So much for “more agency.” 😂

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            3 답변
            • Pale Heart Pathfinder is cool, but the other one locking you behind stupid things, making you play gambit or crucible sub-optimally so you lose is not fun

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            • 작성자: SLOOOT_APOCALYPS 6/16/2024 3:58:00 PM
              Are you guys seriously crying this hard over some bounties. 10 kills with the fire weapon y'all 10 kills that's what you're crying about. Oh get 50 kills while running a arc class jeez that'll be hard let me pop my super and throw a grenade... Shut the trap before bungie does something thinking there's an actual problem. There is no problem except people that b**** endlessly about anything that isn't just hold the trigger with osteo. Everything they're doing right now is f****** gold. And you will weep when the days are gone

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              13 답변
              • Yep beta testing. Quick button press for map to open Pathfinder does NOT work. Please fix the menu so I don’t have to goto destination, vanguard, and then Pathfinder. Or search for it on Pale Heart map. Paths blocked by rarely used weapons, hard to find locations, or game modes are common. No re-roll of bounties are allowed. In game notifications wording needs to be reduced. Selecting bounties to see status does not work. So not requiring bounty purchases before gameplay, combined bounties, and no glimmer needed is a benefit. Hard to use, hard to find, difficulty to compete, time to prepare, and time use are all negatives.

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                1 답변
                • Bank motes good luck cause it doesn't count them right. What an inexcusable disaster.

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                • I think they absolutely nailed it with ritual pathfinder - I used to play each three playlist for bd. Now I’ll skip everything, and stop playing rituals. Huge win for destiny incentive team, keep it up, guys!

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                • Just let folks reroll the table. It's such an easy fix too.

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                • The only reason I like it is because I never pick up bounties 😂

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                • I actually like it. More interesting doing different paths each tine. Except the broken gambit mote note - that sucks.

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                • Brother , just do what you want . I just don't get it why everyone needs to do their pinnacles asap . Just enjoy the game ? Why do something that you don't like ? Almost everyone is 2000 power level already , beated the campaign on every 3 characters , they already have that exotic class item . What are you guys gonna da the rest of the season ? 😂

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                  2 답변
                  • Same: but like all i need to do is a pvp or gambit match to close it out. Gambit only gives 6 motes even though i led with a win and 32 deposited. Node in Pathfinder still not unlocked. Ok went for pvp abilities kills Thats all i used and got 10%for 12 kills

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                  • i agree i suck at the pvp on this game and the pvp sucks in this game...i only marginally play gambit just because its more pve then pvp. i hate that they now require me to do crucible and i always end up fighting that try hard pvp player that only plays pvp and is a headshot god or something. please bungie seperate the pathfinder stuff into pvp and pve! some of us just dont like some of the modes and would rather not play them.

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                  • [i]<brb, looks up stats for PvP>[/i] Just kidding. I'd also like separate Pathfinder tracks for each activity.

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                  • You are definitely right to have your opinion on it. I like Pathfinder. However, if others are having a more difficult time, I think we should come up with solutions or compromises to make it better for everyone.

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                    1 답변
                    • Ehhh controversial opinion, it's probably okay if you want to chill, have a few beers like I do and throw on some Eminem on my headphones and get a few kills and get some rank up packages. I've learned that even a few kills, die a lot big deal. I learned the hard way when I got my account permanently banned for hate mail, lost my playstation account years ago but got everything back on a new account and now I don't send any hate mail. PVP is fine just be a casual. Just avoid things like comp and trials. Never know you might get lucky and have a guardian in your team that's a beast that will straight up carry you. Just relax, get a few kills and lose a few games you'll get it done eventually.

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                    • I think an easy fix would be to let players re-roll it. It can be reset for different objectives once a path has been completed, I can't see any good reason why this couldn't be done [b]BEFORE[/b] completion. It's not like we couldn't choose the bounties we used to do.

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                    • Pathfinder is broken to me, the gambit node does work right

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                    • I don’t really like the ritual one,but I have to say I managed to get the three primes within the 9 activities for the 3 exotic engrams.

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                    • There is a separate pathfinder... ...if you paid for it. Otherwise, stuck with the free rituals one. Haven't been inspired to throw any money at them yet.

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