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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
6/15/2024 1:03:27 PM

A Lie By Omission is Still a Lie

You blatantly withheld information to create hype and sell more copies. That is a lie. Fix this situation in the way you know you need to.

게시물 작성 언어:


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  • 작성자: Hardcore_Uproar 6/16/2024 4:06:47 AM
    Wasting your time mate, look below. The usual suspects will all be there with the usual replies. If Bungie hit these clowns in the head with a brick they would tell them it was a really nice colour. Then they would buy the brick ornament from Eververse. And the Brick Plushie from the store. Then put up a "Thank you for the concussion Bungie" post. Two days ago they were lecturing people on just using LFG to get this done, which they largely make a toxic cesspool with the attitude that you have to play their way with what they say. Proof of that can be seen from the reply to the guy who used LFG and had a not very enjoyable time. They were all saying things like "Yeah but look at your loadout. No wonder you got kicked". You cant win with these people, mainly because their turn with the family brain cell is a week away. Bungie knew EXACTLY what they were doing. Look at the response from people on finding out that this is locked behind a two man only, extremely mechanic and communication heavy mission. And this is something that affects your character before the armour and weapons are equipped. Look at their paid shills streamers putting up videos sponsored by Bungie, saying that this class item is what really sets Prismatic off before it even launched. They knew if they said it was locked behind Dual Destiny parts of the community would not buy the expansion. That's why they said nothing. Lets face it, they were more then happy to chirp away about lots of other things .. why so silent on this mission which affects a major selling point of the expansion if they are so proud of it ??, why are places like PC Gamer writing supporting fluff pieces for it and then disabling comments ?? This is all part of the pandering to the streamers and ramping up difficulty at every level. And I am alright with a lot of that when it comes to actvities. But not when it affects things like this. This should be avilable to everyone without the need to jump through hoops. The mission for more random rolls ?? .. Great Idea. There was no need for the mission, it's there just because they decided that everyone would really love shouting out symbols to a team mate while being shot at by multiple ads. That and another jumping puzzle. The numbers are dropping already, from 314,000 at launch on Steam to around 175,000 over this weekend. It hasn't cracked more than 200k in the last three days. And this is a weekend. I know four people who were playing at lauch besides me on PS5, only three of us have logged in in the last week. After just a week. That's not healthy. Bungie will do something to change this if these numbers do not improve.

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    5 답변
    • agreed, they promoted and marketed it so heavy with no mention of the requirements

      게시물 작성 언어:


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      8 답변
      • All I know is if I knew the exotic class item was not available for solo players. I would have saved myself 100 bucks. That's added on top of them delaying the game for so long and the game is still a bugged mess.

        게시물 작성 언어:


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        2 답변
        • When hasn't Bungie lied? I'll wait.

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          36 답변
          • I really don't understand how people don't thing they omitted information. When was the last time an exotic piece of armor was not available to get solo? Also with any seasonal activity do they announce if it is 3 or 6 man? To me they were being shady for a reason and mislead a lot of people with this class item. Especially when they marketed this thing to be a huge part of the new subclass.

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            8 답변
            • What’re we talking about here?

              게시물 작성 언어:


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            • Omg there was no lie they don’t have to do tell us nothing the mission is great and it’s easy all u got to do is communicate

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            • Lie about what

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            • Not a lie.

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            • Captain Picard would be disappointed to see his words used in such an inconsequential and fallacious way.

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              3 답변
              • I can see how a lot of people are upset, and I'm no Bungie glazer, but I don't think it was a lie. There's just no reason for them to lie about this. It'd just be a weird thing to do.

                게시물 작성 언어:


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                2 답변
                • You know what they say about assuming something, right? 😂 These people…

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                • Here’s how to fix the situation. Step 1: Use LFG Step 2: Talk to someone for under 30 minutes in the activity (Oooh I know scary, human interaction) Step 3: Profit

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                  4 답변
                  • Fix what, go do this very easy mission, stop living in fear. The timer is ultra forgiving; we figured it out blindly without a guide and now can finish with 15-20 minutes left, it’s a fantastic mission too, the pacing, the visuals everything. Fix yourself.

                    게시물 작성 언어:


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                    7 답변
                    • Sir why did you pre-order or simply not wait a fee weeks?

                      게시물 작성 언어:


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                    • Anybody who blindly pre-orders Destiny content, after being shown time and time again how inept Bungie really is, doesn't get any sympathy from me.

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                    • Your false assumption isn't someone else's lie.

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                    • what information

                      게시물 작성 언어:


                      다른 사용자들을 존중해주세요. 게시물을 제출하기 전에 한 숨 돌리고 운영 정책을 검토하세요. 취소 수정 화력팀 생성하기 게시

                    • Lied about what? Don’t expect people to know what you mean. People can’t read minds, Trekkie.

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                    • Using big words doesn’t make you smart. Especially when you misuse said words. Look up omit and get back to me.

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                      3 답변
                      • Grab a friend get item simple 😩

                        게시물 작성 언어:


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                      • [quote]You blatantly withheld information to create hype and sell more copies. That is a lie. Fix this situation in the way you know you need to.[/quote] It’s actually insane how delusional you people are and how severely you all lack the most basic levels of logic, common sense, and critical thinking. Bungie not providing information regarding a [b]secret[/b] mission which was [b]hidden[/b] and that players had to find is vastly different from withholding information. That’s like stating Bungie lies every single time that they don’t outline every single aspect of every single piece of content that they release into the game. See how moronic that sounds? You people need to get a much firmer grip on reality because you’re all completely lost in this echo chamber of sheer idiocy and the perpetual circle jerk you’re all in patting each other on the backs for your ridiculous takes is rotting your brains.

                        게시물 작성 언어:


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                        24 답변
                        • They didnt say ANYTHING about the activity besides that it was new and could be farmed. They didnt lie, and the information they withheld wasnt meant to lead anyone to any decision. If you heard that and thought ''I bet its a solo activity'', thats on you, you let yourself think that.

                          게시물 작성 언어:


                          다른 사용자들을 존중해주세요. 게시물을 제출하기 전에 한 숨 돌리고 운영 정책을 검토하세요. 취소 수정 화력팀 생성하기 게시

                        • I disagree with your title... As a person whom often finds themselves "in trouble" omission is only a lie if there is a question. I for one have learned to not rat myself out... Who rats themselves out.... Nobody that's just silly.. Learn to ask questions and realize just cuz you asked a question that does not mean you get an answer. I don't believe anyone asked if class exotics would be behind a mandatory timed two-player mission so NOT A LIE.. Just not what you wanted.

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                        • 0

                          vroomm vroomm! - 오래됨

                          Posted in fire team finder asked for a teacher chill first time. Got it done in two runs easy. Read a guide before entering. The only person keeping you from getting the class item is YOU!!!

                          게시물 작성 언어:


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                        • Titan your cabals and try again Guardian!

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