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6/15/2024 1:53:20 AM

Pathfinder is a questionable replacement for bounties and vendor challenges

As it is stated in TWID for 05/23/24, one of the goals of the Pathfinder is to give players more "agency" over how they get their rewards. Before I could engage with any playlist I want to get my reward, now I still need to play a certain way to complete a node, and to add insult to injury, I also need to play a specific activity to actually get the reward. At the time when I'm writing this, 2 tier 5 nodes are Crucible ability kills and Gambit motes banked. There are multiple issues with those 2 challenges: * Gambit objective is bugged, as far as I can see in multiple reports on the forum. * There's no way to complete the Pathfinder with only 1 playlist, as could be done before. * The Crucible objective is in percent instead of just a number that I can see and understand, so I need to figure out on my own how much every action progresses the node. As a destination reward source, Pathfinder feels right at home and much better than a destination bounties, hope we would see something like that brought to the old planets, even though I know that old content rarely gets any kind of major system updates. As a ritual reward source, we have the same bounties in separate interface that you don't need to pick up anymore, but they're unified, give less bright dust than before (if you try to farm it the same way as vendor bounties and weekly challenges), still require you to play a certain way, have no clear way to see how many times you need to do a certain action for some nodes, force you to play all the playlists or at least 2 to even get the main reward. As far as I know, Gambit is the least popular playlist that rarely gets updated. Crucible is a PvP playlist, and, let's just say, if you like it - good for you, but Crucible activities take about 8% to 10% of the player base according to external monitoring tools like, so it's harder to find players AND it's a PvP mode in mostly PvE game, add to it the requirement to kill players with certain abilities or weapons, or have some kind of debuffs when killed - and it's just not fun, especially when other players just play meta. We've been told multiple times with different changes that we could play what we want in terms of ritual activities, and every time we're forced to play either an abandoned playlist like Gambit or a PvP playlist like Crucible (and maybe specific targets like Competitive and Trials playlists in Crucible) in mostly PvE game. If someone just wants to say that I'm PvP noob who doesn't want to play Crucible - you can look up my stats anytime, I'm about average and can enjoy PvP, but only if I'm not forced to "defeat opponents by making them volatile with Void" or some stuff like that. And let's not start about Gambit...

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  • it's just to force more metrics out of anyone that wants the carrots pathfinder has zero player value, just devs manipulating the playerbase

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  • 작성자: PK_Haseo 6/15/2024 6:02:18 PM
    “Bounties” are still better than “Pathfinder”. Don’t like the bounty today? Just wait 24hr for a re-roll or buy the extra bounty, done.

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  • Gambit, crucible, and vanguard need separate pathfinders The amount of times ive been soft locked by stupid crucible or ignition scorches is insane.

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    1 답변
    • A -blam!- one more like. Questionable? to nice

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    • 🎯

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    • In regard to the one I’m on now. I only need 1 path opened up to finish it. Auto rifle kills in any playlist. Went from rank 12 to 16 last night in crucible and it’s stuck on 2 of 20. I’d rather have bounties any day over pathfinder.

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      2 답변
      • Also in relation to bright dust, they seem to have now ditched it almost entirely from weekly challenges (2 last week, zero this week) so where's the extra to compensate and what's the point in weekly challenges now?

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        1 답변
        • 작성자: JazzyPaladin477 6/15/2024 6:06:46 PM
          I love not having to buy/pickup bounties, but the mixed paths are stupid. There should be a seperate crucible pathfinder, a vanguard pathfinder and a gambit pathfinder. Or Each leg of the pathfinder should be exclsive to one of the playlists, with interconnections so that you can swap back and forth if you want or just go straight to the end on the leg you are playing without switching playlists.

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          1 답변
          • I know they said that repeated completions gave diminishing returns but getting a 1900 world drop item as a final reward is ridiculous.

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          • It's not questionable. It's straight up bad. Previously if I wanted to get rewards for playing PvE I'd, who would have guessed, played PvE. Now to get rewards I need to play Gambit or Crucible which is nonsense. Not to mention terrible way of getting into pathfinder screen. Like who designs those? Destiny 2 already has SO MANY SCREENS you need to go through to get to certain stuff, definitely do not need another layer, devs should be removing and streamlining it, not the oposite. Maybe it's time to actually hire UX specialist Bungie?

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            3 답변
            • Some of the requirements are just idiotic. I tried to get the ignition one for Vanguard, and ran a complete solar build with solar weapons on 10 strikes and only got 5%? Either they messed up proc'in ignition or they messed up ignition in general.

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            • They should have just had a pathfinder for each core activity. I haven’t bothered doing it more than once, is it capped at 3 primes a week per account or can you get 9 total like we did with the bounty system? Seems progress is shared account wide. I’m not seeing how this gives players more choice as I’m being forced into playlists I’m not in the mood for just to tick a node off. I hate having to bounce around different playlists

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            • I was hoping to see people still talking about how bad Rituals Pathfinder is. Pale Heart is fine but Rituals is complete garbage. I'm looking at mine for this week as I haven't even opened it at all until now. Last week, I got two done okay enough. The third set was basically unplayable for me. I don't do PvP so final blows are just not gonna happen, especially if it's a specific final blow it's asking for. This week? Whether it's Vanguard, Gambit or Crucible, most of them are requiring kills on Volatile enemies or to get kills with Ignitions. Ignitions?! Most things die LONG before an Ignition actually triggers and the things you can stack enough Scorch on to trigger one usually DON'T DIE from it. One of them is Crucible Ignition kills! Huh?! How?! I don't think I have EVER seen anyone die from Ignitions in Crucible. I literally CANNOT do this week's Rituals Pathfinder because I'm blocked by things that are INSANELY rare to actually achieve or it's in a mode that I just do not play because I am not good at it. So how am I supposed to make any kind of progress here? They need to separate the Pathfinders to make one for each. You pick the one you want to do. Finish it. Reset. Go again. But you should ALSO be able to reset a Pathfinder that you don't like. If the objectives are particularly garbage, reset. That is when it should cost the 10K Glimmer to reset. If you complete a Pathfinder, it's a free reset. If you want to change the one you have, 10K Glimmer and hope for a better roll. As it is, right now, Rituals Pathfinder is just complete dog sh!t and NEEDS to be changed IMMEDIATELY. Because I have no reason to try and attempt any of this for this week.

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            • Basically, its Bungie's way of forcing us to mix it up, in their opinion, we were not justifying there creativeness and effort to participate in all elements, being a vanguard -blam!-, or a gambit -blam!-, or worse, a pvp ****, this way, if we want "the bounty chase", then we must appreciate their efforts and do all of them .. same with solo players, they hate soloists, they want you in teams, so, intro gameplay that has puzzles and -blam!- that need coop, or like the new exotic class item, forced duo play, soloists cannot have it .. Bungie's usual forced, dictatorial, "do it our way or F off" ethos. Be a part of their hive mind or hit the highway ..

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              2 답변
              • Having to play gambit is painful, but I welcome it as a housekeeping thing that’s allowed me to mostly do away with bounties— and it’s very rewarding comparatively.

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              • For me, I never bother getting bounties. But with path finder, I just happen to unlock nodes as I'm playing the game regularly. So I think I prefer it, but if I want to get a full path, I do eventually need to go out and grind for one certain node. Overall it's okay for me.

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              • Agreed, good summary.

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              • Bungies old tale about wanting players to play how they want, yet doing everything possible to prevent it. Lots of negative feedback about Final Shape in the first 2 weeks, yet 99% of streamers are only reporting positive feedback and over inflated sales reviews. I smell a rat 🤬

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                4 답변
                • You could just be like me and complete it passively or not complete it at all 🤷🏼‍♂️😂

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                • I just found out it’s account based.That sucks.

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                • Its broken. Gambit motes deposited only gives me 6 every time. And pvp only gives 10% for ability kills

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                • The goal of pathfinder was to completely eliminate bright dust bounties. No other reason at all.

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                • Agreed, my biggest issue is Pathfinder seems like a good idea for planets, and it tweaked be good for Strikes, Crucible and Gambit, the problem is they shoved all 3 activities into one, and that's not fun. Heck, I do not like Crucible, why I stick with strikes. With pathfinder, I have to play crucible, and play like an assh*le just to get done an objective. Ruining my experience, my teams experience, and no one is having fun.

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                • Exactly. For my part, simple additions would have been : - Create a new resource to farm in activities - Spend this resource on a node to modify it. - Spend this resource to modify the entire path. - Spend this resource to improve the path on several levels, with more difficult objectives, but a better final reward. - Spend this resource to reset the path once completed. - Spend this resource to reinitialize an unfinished path.

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                  2 답변
                  • 작성자: RAIST5150 6/15/2024 12:36:04 PM
                    The Gambit motes objective does not progress solely by the number of motes banked except in only ONE situation (max motes for the instance). Progress seems to be tied to the blockers you send. Culd drop 30-40+ motes and it would only advance like 4 to 6 points. After nearly 10 matches, mine completed instantly because I dropped the most motes in a match. Screwed up. Agreed on the percentages vs actual count for things like kill with solar damage. Had a crucible kills with that requirement. Had some other objectives for crucible, so spent most an evening using a solar AR. I suck in PvP... but I knocked out all but that one objective--stuck at 87%. No idea how much effort it would take to clear it. A 150 vanguard kills was all that stood in the way of finishing a path... knocked it out in no time through Onslaught. That Pathfinder ritual is just too screwy in general. And to add insult to injury... it is the only one available without the expansion. In contrast... in the old system, EACH NIGHT I could knock out a handful of bounties in crucible, do the same for Gambit and vanguard... and move on to something else, like a quest or mission track. This pathfinder approach is actually eating up MORE time that could be spent doing other things in the game. Makes me glad I did NOT preorder... still not inspired to purchase the expansion eiher.

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                  • If it's got an objective I don't want to do blocking my progress that's fine I'll just try again next week I'll play other games till reset

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