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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
6/14/2024 10:11:01 PM

Why is every thing like a Nightfall now?

So I started playing D2 back in February and loved every minuet of the last season, the campaigns the story the extra seasonal stuff which was unlocked for me in the last month before TFS. I worked hard to get all the craftable wepons from the content I had missed earlier in the year. Playing lots of gambit and winning half of the matches I played. I loved the exotic missions as they were different to other content and I could solo them for the red border weps. D2 was good and I played alot. Roll on this season and everything is harder, like nightfall hard. Gambit wins are down to 1 in 5, exotic missions are, for me unfinishable as a solo player, Vanguard normal is like doing a vanguard Nightfall. Xenogy quest requires wins not just taking part. So is it my power level, no. I have ground the game to get it to 1990 and it is all still stupidly hard to the point I do not play anywhere as mush as I did last season. I get that better players than me want harder content, but that harder content is there in legendary/expert nightfall and grandmaster content. Why has Bungie felt the need to push out casual or mid skill players like myself, what does this achieve? To sum it up Bungie has taken everything I enjoyed in the game and made it not enjoyable and reading the forums I am not the only one. So please take all the yellow bar mobs that were red last season and put them back to red like they were.

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  • 작성자: RastamanZz_97 6/15/2024 9:05:24 AM
    Brother you are 1990 and you are struggling ??? I was doing glassway last week on advanced while being 1960 , i saw the one moron after the other die because they thought they could just run in the middle of the map and tank everything .. 😑 Clearly not !! They were 30 light levels higher than me and they could not stop dying . I had to carry guys with light level 2000 !!! And they could not do glassway on freakin ADVANCED without dying every min .. Be aware of your surroundings and don't act like you are playing a public event , use good guns , equip the right mods , use abilities and super , don't get surrounded and you will be fine . Don't be like the majority that needs to cry about everything . What is next ? I have 100 resil and i get one-shot blablabla , the game is bad and all that nonsense ? Adapt and become better at the game or just leave , we don't need your whining .. You are 1990 for christ sake ...

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    2 답변
    • Because “casual” content is extremely easy. Its so brainless in-fact you just can go around hipfiring one shot anything with any weapon and nuke a bunch of ads.

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      1 답변
      • One thing I did notice is the defiant battlegrounds in the regular strike list still have champions

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      • I will say this, it's hella inconsistent. In one match of gambit you can literally steamroll everything and in the next you're getting one-shot, seemingly out of nowhere and to the point that you start questioning your connection. Something just doesnt seem right.

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        6 답변
        • the game is in a shambles your blind if you don't see it. you run the same missions over and over in the pale world making the whole planet one be slog. they added steps upon steps to the same missions the chase the bird around and do this do that. repetitrive nonsense. l got super bored with it all . wanted to try the auto rifle out,but got bored after finding all the chest . bungie needs to dump dual class item or have a option for the thousands of solo players. so many things seem over powered now. for me it's just run a strike or play onslaught . that's what I get out of the FS . bungie you could do so much better then this. l feel ripped off.

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          2 답변
          • There's definitely something messed up with Vanguard strikes as the Nightfall this week felt a lot easier them.

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            3 답변
            • It's funny, because we literally just killed the most powerful being in the whole universe. And then here comes Steve, the lowest level vex to ever exist, one shotting me in the face. Make it make sense!!!!

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              1 답변
              • At the same time, bungie still require us to grind Light Level. At the end we are still capped.

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                1 답변
                • I haven’t noticed a difference.

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                • Yeah I’m not a huge fan of the power changes. It’s not devastating but it’s just annoying. I liked how strong we were before. What will piss me off, if it is as bad as I hear, is what they did to normal mode raids/dungeons. I’m planning on seeing for myself later today.

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                • bro i still mow through rank and file enemies in strikes like no one’s business, it’s not really that much of a change, the raid situation is an issue because it compltely unbalanced all speedrunning with surges, which is garbage.

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                • Some of our weapons are way better though. That rocket sidearm rocks. I've been using either Sunshot or Jorum's Claw with incandescent as my main damage. 390 Pulse's seem good.

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                • The nightfall this week is actually no more difficult than normal vanguard strikes when im getting 1 shot at almost 2k power but ran nightfall flawless.

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                • I would like all the damage changes if champions didn't exist. Champions aren't fun. I run with resilience as low as I can get it. So I haven't noticed taking more damage.

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                  6 답변
                  • 작성자: JazzyPaladin477 6/15/2024 9:06:10 AM
                    Because we said “your nightfalls suck, get rid of champions and battlegrounds, not fun, you had this figured out in destiny 1, it didn’t need to be fixed” So bungie of course tripled down on what they were doing.

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                    4 답변
                    • Yep, something is off with the strikes. I have to change dmg resist mods so I don't get 2-shot by random mobs in some of them. I'm playing devil's advocate but maybe it's a bug. The old defiant battlegrounds were added to the strikes and they have champions and the mobs are as strong as they were when those activities had their playlist. Something is broken and maybe was the addition of these BGs. Some strikes are spawning way more mobs and they are hitting harder than they should, even when you are power-capped. Some patrol areas also seem to have mobs hitting harder, like in the Altars of Sorrow. Those small ogres can toast you in a second depending on your build even if you have 100 resilience. Which is weird.

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                      1 답변
                      • 작성자: wes238 6/14/2024 11:18:27 PM
                        [quote]So is it my power level,[/quote] In short, yes. You will be underpowered because there is no power in most activities. It's just a "grind" to waste time to "make big number bigger". For example, strikes are a capped 1945 "power" activity, but you can't ever be over 1940. You are -5. Last season you could be +20 in activities. Means you take more damage than you give out, making things take longer, boosting playtime data for shareholders.

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                        3 답변
                        • 작성자: Divine_Majin93 6/16/2024 10:03:56 AM
                          Bungie got sick (or just gave up?) of balancing PvE so they crunched the numbers down, made all enemies bullet sponge aimbots, gave players an immediate power disadvantage in virtually all activities, and utilized surges to pigeonhole everyone into specific glass cannon builds to make us feel "powerful." This was to of course appeal to the difficulty worshippers because Souls genre games appear to be the new hotness in the industry now that Battle Royales are dying down. But at least the campaign made some people cry and let everyone get cool screenshots of their Guardian staring at the Traveller.

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                          1 답변
                          • Those gambit mini bosses are a major annoyance.

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                            1 답변
                            • Everything labelled "standard" difficulty is -5. They don't care about the power you grind. And every bloody activity in the game outside normal campaigns and maybe some patrols is standard difficulty or higher. It isn't just you, they just made the game harder because they felt like it.

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                              1 답변
                              • I had purchased the full Final Shape with season pass, etc. I've been playing since the beginning, and after last season, I was looking forward to the Final Shape. I was hesitant to pre-order, but I did anyway. I'm admittedly not a PVP player. I get it that others like it, but I detest it. Call me crazy, but I'd rather play a game with others than against them. Given that almost everyone I ever played this game with has abandoned it, I do a lot of solo content ... and a [i]lot[/i] of strikes. There's something broken here. In the story, regular mode seems to fluctuate in difficulty between too easy to spots that are hard enough that they are frustrating and make me question the level designers' qualifications. Legendary mode? What's the point? The rewards aren't worth it, and in the end, you never never gain anything to escape the grind. Strikes: What the actual ... This is where I've spent the majority of my time. I've run [i]so many[/i] strikes over the years, I don't think I need to read the forums or watch videos of others commenting on them to know when it's broken. I'm getting slapped around and one-shotted in strikes so much that [i]this is not fun[/i]. I played the new story content (when I could actually get on the servers ... and then not booted) to a certain point that I just shut it off. Not just the server balancing was the problem, the game felt broken. When I went back on about five days later, I did what I always do and jumped into strikes. Remember how I can't stand PVP? I discovered I was forced to do so due to the changes with Vanguard levelling, etc. Sure there are randomly gen'd paths to completion where I can avoid this, but it's random, and there are times that avoiding the other modes is not possible at all. When I do have paths that avoid crucible or gambit, I'm still leaving behind XP due to Vanguard completions that I can't collect (there's no path to them that avoids the other two modes). And then the difficulty level. I ground out until I was above the [i]recommended[/i], and I was still getting spanked in ways that it felt like I was playing a different game. Champions in strikes? Fine, but I was getting one-shotted by entry-level dregs, so you can imagine what champions being thrown into the mix did in match-made fireteam. I like the basic concept behind prismatic. But, it increases the complexity of gameplay and adds too many variables into the mix. We know that players will find all kinds of builds that will "break the game," and we all know Bungie's record on balancing gameplay. Between all of this and all the nerfs (yeah, I main a warlock), I shut the console off and decided to not be ignored anymore -- I voted with my dollars. I called Microsoft, found out how to request a refund, and I got one. $141.23. Apparently, they're getting a lot of calls. I submitted the online request form, and instead of it taking 2-3 business days to be looked at, it went through [i]immediately[/i], and the refund showed up in my game account at the same time. The rep who stayed on the phone with me while I did this was shocked how fast that went through, but she said that happens when there are enough people who are unhappy about a game and they receive a lot of refund requests in a really short time. Just never this fast! If Bungie wants to give this game a slow death until their new PVP game comes out, fine. I can see the story play out on YouTube for free. I've always been the pre-order purchaser, but I can play the content I usually play for free, but why would play something that doesn't even feel like the same game, so much so that I don't enjoy playing it? My Xbox has limited space. The odds are, I'll likely free 154.5 GB of space.

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                                1 답변
                                • Saltgreppo. He's to blame. For some reason designers at bungie always listen to him.

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                                  8 답변
                                  • Dear Bungie: Just make two tiers of Destiny. Tier one is for people who just want to relax and advance a compelling story based on our own power fantasy for the 30 minutes we get to play per day. In return, I promise to never interact with Saltagreppo and the tryhards who make their living playing your game and have hours per day to farm and perfect their gameplay. I don't care if they say I didn't earn my prismatic exotic the same way they did, just give it to me and I don't care if you put "-blam!- version" at the end of the item description. I want to log into Destiny, advance my story, and log out before I have to put the kids to bed.

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                                    2 답변
                                    • 작성자: MC 077 Lasombra 6/15/2024 3:12:17 AM
                                      Because they invalidated positive power in gameplay. Now it’s either matched or you’re in a negative on top of damage modifiers. You can’t even go to a patrol ground with a positive power level, it’s matched. So that dreg on the moon is as strong or stronger than you are despite us going from 0 to 1900+. They said us being strong makes their job harder, makes them do new encounter designs and they don’t want to do it. So it’s laziness and profits, work equals time equals money. Top that off with them removing staff to work on marathon and you get disabled power to make the grind take longer. And sure, you can get positive modifiers during combat but not always active ones. Having to bounce through hoops during combat with specific build types to just get by is ridiculous. In a basic strike I shouldn’t need to change any mods. Yet when the incoming arc damage modifier is on and you have two arc mods you still get blasted. It’s a joke. All they did was numerically tone us down and make us reliant on specific builds that are glass canons.

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                                      5 답변
                                      • 작성자: Yosemite Sam 6/15/2024 4:42:15 PM
                                        [quote]To sum it up Bungie has taken everything I enjoyed in the game and made it not enjoyable and reading the forums I am not the only one. So please take all the yellow bar mobs that were red last season and put them back to red like they were.[/quote] There is a major problem with this, and it's been this way for years now because the higher-ups have refused to look for a solution, one that might work for the majority of the player base. The crazy thing is, it's been right in front of their faces for a decade now, even the original devs knew this and tried to tell them, and other developers that worked with them as well. Still, the higher-ups ignored it creating many more problems with the game/player base that have divided the entire player base into many different groups. [spoiler][b]This forum is a prime example of what major problem this developer caused that can never be fixed because the damage they caused is set in stone. Look at how people treat each other on this forum or any form of social media unless it's highly censored to control what's being said that happens a lot. "No negative feedback allowed, you must be positive 24-7 by only saying what is good about the game or you will be shut down". The higher-ups -blam!- up big time that Destiny is one of the most divided toxic player bases there is in gaming when it comes to multiplayer games that most are unwilling to work with one another.[/b][/spoiler] The major problem I was referring to is consistency which Destiny nor the developer within itself as a business after a decade has ever had. They are always changing leads, always changing what crew is working under a lead, always changing CEOs, etc. By doing this it's always changing ideas on how the game players out and that affects everyone. Destiny is an ever-lasting change that has hurt the game/player base more than anything else. When the developer conditions people to play one way and then changes what they were conditioned to, and constantly repeats that, it's destructive development. All of this applies to your yellow bar enemy that there was no reason at all to change how they played out, not a damn reason at all. Many things they changed in this game have only made matters worse that they create a hell of a lot more problems in this game than they do solutions, and that is just mindboggling development.

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                                      • They have to because we keep getting buffed, they have to play a game of balance. Content has to be hard enough to keep us engaged, make us too strong and we get bored.

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