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데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
5/16/2024 10:56:28 PM

BRAVE Title Requirements Update

In next Tuesday's update, we are reducing the required number of Triumphs needed to earn the BRAVE Title from 10 to 9. The Title will still have 10 available Triumphs, but you can now just choose which 9 you’d like to complete for the Title. We felt that the Breaking the Charge Triumph wasn’t quite hitting the difficulty mark we intended. It required either full clears on Legend over multiple weeks or full clears on Normal that relied on RNG. We hope this improves the experience for those looking to earn this Title.

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  • It's funny, I have yet to claim a title...until today. And my 1st title is this. Now I can try and progress to rank 8, not like that ranking system matters since it's gonna get reset in a few days lol

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  • Truth is you wouldn't have to make a change to the title if you allowed normal to have boss rotations besides legend... I'm sure you saw on reddit that people reported that they tried to farm the ogre boss wave 50 to 70 times on normal and it never spawned.. That was the boss I was missing for the title before you made the change to lower triumph requirement... The way the boss didn't spawn I honestly thought legend was a requirement for the title

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  • Imagine caring about titles. 😂

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    6 답변
    • I appreciate it, but there's more to reduce, not just a title requirement - your nerfs and difficulties are just hyperbolic. I like a challenge, but it should be balanced and fun, and not just there for its own purpose.

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    • Wow, and here I just played the game and got the title already.

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      4 답변
      • How about fixing the issue with getting the Iron Lord title? Many of us are stuck at 14/15 weapons despite having more than fifteen unlocked.

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        1 답변
        • I ignore the title now. I recall the last season (Eris turning into hive thingy. See I don't even remember the names!), where the modifiers like famine and others just sucked out the fun from game and lore. Game wise, it is not fun playing with artifical handicap due to lack of content. Either make the enemies more powerful and add mechanics to game OR add a handicap like power cap and famine, etc. Not both! HD2 makes you more tech savvy more you play and you can take on bugger badder enemies in challenging modes. It does not stop seasonal content from being artificially inflated due to mindless difficulties settings. Lore wise, this also sucks. We had Eris, a literal hive pseudo god in making and we didn't even get ammo drops our our shields were nerfed 😂 The game is broken for title challenges due to lack of content. FWIW, the guardian ranks is much better as it shows diversity in challenge. Not your ability to play the game with one hand tied behind your back. Titles should be based on such logic rather than artificial rubbish.

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          4 답변
          • 0
            Srsly ppl u pay 100 for game and want to finish it in like 10 mins? U know the point of the game is to play it? I don't think everything should be achieved easy way and for everyone. Like u want tittle - farm guns, farm armor, get gut - achieve thing.

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            8 답변
            • 작성자: Guardian,Archon Of Light 5/20/2024 12:11:06 AM
              And Bungie you wonder why you get so much backlash for difficult content The less dedicated players are used to being coddled by you, lowering the bar ever lower for what , hoping they will buy some silver before they go back to Fortnight?

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              3 답변
              • Because I'm tired of hoping for the Fallen Warpriest every week but, for some reason I must have missed during one of those past weeks... I should automatically claim the title next week.

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                4 답변
                • Thank you. 10+ wave 50 runs and no tormentor boss spawns. I was about to give up on the title

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                  7 답변
                  • .....

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                  • Thank you, cba doing the blast furnace quest

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                    3 답변
                    • 작성자: PandaPapa146 5/17/2024 3:22:54 PM
                      Nicely done! 👍 Update edit: since my earlier post (see above👆), I’ve done a bunch of 10s…1x 50 clear…on Normal mode… It seemed to me that the enemies were on something because they were super tanky and hyper aggressive and very glitchy, teleporting directly onto the zone / ADU (?) in greater numbers than ever before! 🧐 Did BHQ turn up the difficulty dial? 🤔 Sure felt like it! 👈 Some runs we didn’t get past round 4(?) on a 10 run…just totally overwhelmed to the [i]nth![/i] Anyhoo, just my 2d worth. Note to self: Ease springs! 🙄

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                    • Much appreciated!

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