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5/9/2024 3:58:17 PM

Early Feedback for The Pantheon

How is everyone feeling about The Pantheon so far? We are keeping an eye on the feedback and want to hear your thoughts. How is the difficulty? Are the encounter tweaks enjoyable? How do you feel about the scoring and time bonus?

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  • I enjoyed all the encounter tweaks bar Rhulk and Nezerac. Rhulk changes were rubbish and Nezerac is so irritating teams take to cheesy methods. If a cheese or a partially off map DPS position are needed for most groups it isn’t fun content IMHO.

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  • Really wish we had more than two weeks to complete weeks 1-4, just couldn’t get the clan together enough or ftf enough people who know how to finish it. So I’m stuck with everything done except Nez. Gg

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  • Please keep Pantheon (and the title) around. A lot of people enjoy that sort of content but 5 weeks just isn’t long enough. This time of year is incredibly busy for some people, myself included. Please just keep it around, just the way it is, for a while longer. Just give us another month. I, and a lot of other people, would greatly appreciate it.

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  • Feedback well I'll tell you how my feedback is. There's no one to play with for me I try to play with people and get left out constantly so I wouldn't know what it's like to play a raid cause your lfg system literally looks like a job application. Have experience. Well I can't learn or get experience if no one will give me a chance. This game is built for the hardcore and streamers now. There's no casual fun involved in this game now. There's a word for that Bungie all due respect but the word is SOULLESS. Game needs to go back to fun. Do you people even know what fun is anymore? I think not.

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    4 답변
    • Don’t get rid of it… I’m trying so hard to find a good team to get through the last one with. All this time and effort is wasted if I get to the last one and it disappears. Please Keep Pantheon! We all deserve a chance to reach Godslayer.

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    • Too hard. Only a few weapons "allowed". You have to play the absolute meta or you cant even participate. You have to glitch the hell out of every encounter or "it takes too long". No fun at all.

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      1 답변
      • Serious question for your team bungee team do you guys not read feedback from the community as a whole? I feel like if you did you would know that the raid boss horde mode it's fine as is it's fun it's rewarding people love it I love it. The popular opinion in the community is that toxicity in the raid community is out of control! Players being kicked for no reason players being kicked in a way just to bully and harass other players for their own personal enjoyment as if they are still in middle school.. You guys at bungee should understand what I'm saying because it happened to you guys on stream on your second final shape stream there were articles everywhere that you guys had to ban people from chat for being disrespectful and toxic towards your lead developers!!! That's the main reason I canceled my pre-order as because I don't like the way the community is treating each other it's a co-op game you can't play a co-op game at Everybody is acting like a bunch of Dysfunctional family members who have mental Problems. You gotta step up and have some consequences for toxicity because look at what's happening with the pony code you have to Force players to cancel friend requests to block people from contacting you because a bunch of toxic aholes want to ruin the experience for everybody else. You honestly think that's gonna keep the players here you think you're going to make money off content you need to start banning people! Certainly when you go into destiny one it's not like this Maybe because players and destiny one are not a bunch of sociopath nutcases.

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        6 답변
        • Please for the love of god keep Pantheon around after Final Shape launch. I've only been able to do Atraks and Oryx bc my clan members have been busy with irl stuff, and we were so stoked to complete Rhulk and Nez but now we've run out of time :(

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        • Heard it was a nightmare so I haven't even tried it. With these new directors the difficulty is pushing myself and other players away.

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          3 답변
          • To whom are you doing this? If you remove it after so little time the activity is solely for the people farming these bosses for years. If I can give any feedback, let the activity stay.

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          • 작성자: coda-jj 6/1/2024 8:10:16 PM
            Please give me my adept weapons I completed challenges for. Friends were getting adept weapons in the next weeks after reset but I only ever got 1 drop after completing challenges the first time and never getting adepts in the following weeks after completing challenges Unless they were all just messing with me and working as intended. If that’s the case, would of be nice to not get 3 smite of merain in my 1 run, all 3 having demo and firefly

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          • Nez is a bit of a mess truth be told but over all the mode is good.

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          • I’ve loved it added some new challenges and higher difficulty modes I enjoyed, I hope it becomes a yearly or seasonal thing

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          • It’s too hard for our raid group that raids every week. Just can’t deal enough damage fast enough for platinum.

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            3 답변
            • For those complaining about getting booted from Pantheon, you need to understand something. People who don't know mechanics or constantly dying will be booted from Pantheon much quicker than they would in a normal raid. The expectation is that if you're in Pantheon you know what to do. It's a limited time event. No one wants to teach in Pantheon. Do yourself a favor and watch a video or two at least...

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              1 답변
              • activity is great. sad that its leaving tho Nez: not my favorite because hes so inconsistent but as an encounter fair final boss for week 4 Riven: finally the cheese prevention Rhulk: boss improved by a lot Oryx: pushover Atraks: pushover. platin requirement was the only thing that made it interesting Planets: actually started to like planets. Good improvements for the encounter Caretaker: meh Golgoroth: meh. although gaze has become more challenging (which is good) Problem: LFG. with good players its really fun. with bad players that dont know the mechanics or just dont have good positioning / bad damage its horrible. depending on the encounter you can compensate for that but its still bad fireteam finder has to become better. the app version at least allows customized titles. also the guardian rank system does now show skill. same for titles. you still need to check raid/dungeon report. only thing that works are day 1 emblems (besides RoN) to at least tell if someone is able to play at this difficulty. my dream would be an actually fine matchmaking system for those activites where you can search by MMR spread around the leader or the median of the team. when you dont find a person in your spread you can adjust it to be broader if you want that. inspect feature is good. at least you can sort out people running double primary or other weird loadouts

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              • Feels great when you understand mechanics and have grinded for specific weapons to be efficient. When I run it with experienced players it's a great time. On the other hand, it's a pain when the knowledge or equipment is lacking. Overall that's a user issue though, I enjoy the challenge this brings and it pushes me to further refine my gear.

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              • The difficulty was great until things started bugging out, but finally getting godslayer just felt great. Very rewarding for the difficulty, which is something that I’ve been missing in higher difficulty content recently. I suppose I would’ve ignored pantheon entirely if the title wasn’t awesome, so that’s likely why it has so much player activity.

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              • Just got godslayer and I think that the difficulty was appropriate. For context, I am a lapsed raider with a solid foundational skillset. I frequently take respite from endgame activities due to the nuisance of LFG and moreover have a tendency to take extended breaks from destiny due to my season of life (job, family). Even so, I was able to get the title, not with ease mind you (due to the general ineptitude of the LFG population). I don’t think the level of challenge is a problem. I’m a long time player, cyclical, but not a die-hard.. The general competence of the player base is abysmal. The number of inept rubes that have joined up makes me cynical for society at large as this game simply isn’t that tough. I shudder to think how folks will perform when faced with actual challenge in life

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              • Who ever designed nez messed that up. The worst encounter out of all the challenges

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              • 작성자: AppleSoda 5/19/2024 11:15:08 PM
                Pantheon is overall an excellent addition to the game. I personally enjoy the challenge, the wake up call for many players that they still need much more growth in terms of their arsenal and skill, and the rewards, at least for the most part (especially with the news of all the adepts being enhanceable, which probably should have been told to us Week 1 as I barely gave them much consideration). I have a few gripes however: -Platinum score should be equal to platinum time in essentially all circumstances, barring cheese. You either make the timer or you don’t. Assuming you do an encounter legit within the timeframe it should count as platinum. Really this is mostly only relevant on Atraks, and likely Riven, but there were a few encounters too where I either got incredibly close to going under the threshold or actually did go under (sorry my runners were too good and got three symbols every entry in Caretaker so we didn’t kill enough trash enemies lol). It should not be this narrow of a threshold if I’m doing the encounter as intended. -Tormentors are not an interesting challenge. In most encounters, they just get straight up ignored and add almost nothing. In the others, they pigeon hole your team incredibly hard as Tormentors are very difficult to kill without things like snipers, divinity, machine guns, freeze, suspend, blind, and so on. I think this is more a problem with Tormentor design being way too overtuned to emphasizing precision damage and not necessarily their addition here in particular. I find the emphasis on precision damage in defeating them interesting but I think the exact amount of damage reduction they get may need to be tuned, especially if you intend to use them beyond the sparingly few missions/strikes they were designed for. -The duration of the event. While I think it being limited time is okay, I think giving players a little longer to digest this content would have been more appropriate. Totally fine with emblems and Godslayer being time sensitive but the activity and other base rewards should stay, if not permanently, definitely longer than it is currently slated for. This is one of the only activities in the game that genuinely challenges many players and I think that is very healthy for the sense of progression in the game. -Lastly: who is this activity designed for? It is clear by the difficulty, time commitment, and stringent time requirements that this activity is mostly made for the most hardcore of players. But many of the rewards in the activity (while great for some who may need the catch up) are not particularly desirable for this audience. I think the allure of a guaranteed raid exotic brings a lot of players who are definitely not ready for this activity. If the intention was to somehow encourage the non-raiders to get into raiding, I think this activity might do the opposite due to just how punishing and frustrating it can be if you’re not bringing a well-trained team. The amount this activity funnels you down to only the best of loadouts may be incredibly jarring for players who perhaps don’t have access to this gear and have little chance of building up their arsenal in time to get a clear before Pantheon is gone.

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              • The Game mode is fine the problem is the community toxic players who constantly kick people before they pick up their free exotic. Players getting kicked over raid report when it only shows clears and not show player performance. I remember destiny one was so damn social destiny 2 is so damn anti-social nobody wants to help each other unless there's something in it for them. I know bungie knows what I'm talking about the toxicity in this community because look what happened under second stream they had to ban people off stream for being disrespectful towards developers. Honestly that should have been a wake up call for you guys that you guys need to be more strict with players who are being toxic who are making the experience a nightmare for new and returning players...

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              • It's fun, challenging, and some of the new mechanics were nice additions to the already existing ones. Upon adding checkpoints to Pantheon you failed to implement tags for cp in Pantheon, which made using FTF a pain in the butt for specifics. I'm sure pantheon was never intended to have cp but due to backlash and server issues this was implemented as a failsafe. Rewards were very good and enticed newer players to try it out despite not being ready and prepared for the endeavor. This in turn made players want to raid and learn which is good and fun for all. Keep in mind later weeks of pantheon is not where you would want to teach or carry though. Shot caller and class warfare were very nice ideas for a damage buff and would love to see things like this in the future raids, raids from FFXIV and WoW have this sort of thing that where if you do certain mechanics you would get a perfect time to do burst DPS and made the encounter more fun and engaging. Now let's talk about the bugs that some of these encounters had since launch day 1. Golgoroth not turning during gaze exchanges. Caretaker infinite stun still a thing. Rhulk not giving you the buff when clearly standing in his pervading darkness blast. Nezerec buff bubble location not visible by runner and refuge plates not showing as activated. These bugs have been here since day 1 launch of their respective raids and still persist, making the encounters very unbearable at times and extremely frustrating in a run when you are about to clear. Also some bosses can be cheesed and defies the point of even doing the mechanics and makes it a joke. All in all very fun 4 weeks enjoyed it very much. Hope to see this take place of guardian games in the future and also include bosses from raids that have been sunset like spire of stars, eater of worlds, scourge of the past, leviathan calus, and galhran would be nice additions to the pantheon roster if you plan on making another in the future. GG Bungie 🍻

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              • It’s like a researcher trying to teach a bunch of monkeys how to write. That’s the overall Pantheon experience.

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              • Since I last posted, i finally found a nice group and we ran through week 1. It isn't that hard, at least if you can find the right people. But the environment this has created from my perspective is not a good addition. I've watched all the videos, I have the weapons, the setups, etc. Its very hard to find a group of 5 more people that are just willing to be patient a bit and stat together. People leave because damage isn't perfect, someone died, Golgoroth didn't do what he's supposed to do, what ever excuse they want to use. Most of the postings are KWTD, have emblem, die or kick, etc. There is nothing wrong with that. The people that can run these things with few mistakes and can post for what they want, I have no problem with that. I know there are great, helpful people out there, it just seems so hard to find them. I was hoping to get the Godslayer title and I probably could, but with it only available for 5 weeks, that isn't much time, when someone like me spends more time sorting through LFG, or making my own, having people leave, and all the stuff that goes along with that. Maybe by some chance, Bungie can extend the time to get the title, if they get enough feedback about it.

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              • 작성자: Seki 5/10/2024 4:48:07 PM
                [u]Positive[/u] - The gameplay feels good and it is fun having difficulty increases for raid encounters. - Building upon mechanics (as done in the Oryx encounter with respawning knights) is amazing. [u]Negative[/u] - The scoring system feels very arbitrary in a terrible way - especially with many teams slaying Aatrax within the time requirement this week and failing platinum. This is not something that should happen. If you want us to do additional things, build them into the mechanics so we at least know in time when we failed instead of afterwards. The way the score accumulates is also not something that can be tracked down for a team in a real-time comprehensible way (We have 170k when going into final stand, will this be enough? - terrible) - The tormentors feel very off and don't add anything of relevance to the encounters.

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